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Raphael.js customAttributes动画

[英]Raphael.js customAttributes animation

I'm trying to create a simple animation of a circle sector using Raphael.js. 我正在尝试使用Raphael.js创建一个简单的圆形扇区动画。 The animation should unfold circle sector from 0 to 2 * Pi. 动画应展开从0到2 * Pi的圆形扇区。 The problem is that it just draw a circle without any animation after 1 second. 问题在于,它仅在1秒后绘制了一个没有任何动画的圆。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    <script src="raphael.js"></script>
        window.onload = function () {
            var paper = Raphael("holder");

            paper.ca.sector = function (x, y, r1, r2, startAngle, endAngle, color) {
                    var x11 = x + r1 * Math.sin(startAngle);
                    var y11 = y - r1 * Math.cos(startAngle);
                    var x21 = x + r1 * Math.sin(endAngle);
                    var y21 = y - r1 * Math.cos(endAngle);

                    var x12 = x + r2 * Math.sin(startAngle);
                    var y12 = y - r2 * Math.cos(startAngle);
                    var x22 = x + r2 * Math.sin(endAngle);
                    var y22 = y - r2 * Math.cos(endAngle);

                    var big = 0;
                    if (endAngle - startAngle > Math.PI) 
                        big = 1;

                    var pathList = ["M", x12, y12,
                                    "A", r2, r2, 0, big, 1, x22, y22,
                                    "L", x21, y21, 
                                    "A", r1, r1, 0, big, 0, x11, y11,

                    return {path: pathList, fill: color, stroke: "none"};

            var p = paper.path().attr({sector: [300, 300, 100, 140, 0, 0.0001, "pink"]});
            p.animate({sector: [300, 300, 100, 140, 0, Math.PI * 1.999999, "pink"]}, 1000, "bounce");

    <div id="holder" style="width: 700px; height: 700px;"></div>

Sorry for the long listing. 很抱歉,清单很长。

So the question why does it happen? 那么问题为什么会发生呢? And what am I doing wrong? 我在做什么错呢?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Here is working code: 这是工作代码:

        var paper = Raphael("holder");

        var createSector = function (x, y, r1, r2, startAngle, endAngle, color) {
                var x11 = x + r1 * Math.sin(startAngle);
                var y11 = y - r1 * Math.cos(startAngle);
                var x21 = x + r1 * Math.sin(endAngle);
                var y21 = y - r1 * Math.cos(endAngle);

                var x12 = x + r2 * Math.sin(startAngle);
                var y12 = y - r2 * Math.cos(startAngle);
                var x22 = x + r2 * Math.sin(endAngle);
                var y22 = y - r2 * Math.cos(endAngle);

                var big = 0;
                if (endAngle - startAngle > Math.PI) 
                    big = 1;

                var pathList = ["M", x12, y12,
                                "A", r2, r2, 0, big, 1, x22, y22,
                                "L", x21, y21, 
                                "A", r1, r1, 0, big, 0, x11, y11,

                return {path: pathList, fill: color, stroke: "none"};

        var p = paper.path();
           p.attr(createSector(300, 300, 100, 140, 0, 0.001, "pink"));
        p.animate(createSector(300, 300, 100, 140, 0.01, Math.PI * 1.999999, "pink"), 1000, "bounce");

Still I am not sure yet, why your code is not working 我仍然不确定为什么您的代码无法正常工作

JSFiddle demo JSFiddle演示

EDIT: Ok, I ve been trying some values and it looks like some kind of a bug in raphael, since the fill of the path is not used in conjunction with the animate. 编辑:好的,我一直在尝试一些值,它看起来像raphael中的某种错误,因为路径的填充不与动画配合使用。

var paper = Raphael("holder");

        paper.customAttributes.sector = function (x, y, r1, r2, startAngle, endAngle, color,strokeWidth) {
                var x11 = x + r1 * Math.sin(startAngle);
                var y11 = y - r1 * Math.cos(startAngle);
                var x21 = x + r1 * Math.sin(endAngle);
                var y21 = y - r1 * Math.cos(endAngle);

                var x12 = x + r2 * Math.sin(startAngle);
                var y12 = y - r2 * Math.cos(startAngle);
                var x22 = x + r2 * Math.sin(endAngle);
                var y22 = y - r2 * Math.cos(endAngle);

                var big = 0;
                if (endAngle - startAngle > Math.PI) 
                    big = 1;

                var pathList = ["M", x12, y12,
                                "A", r2, r2, 0, big, 1, x22, y22,
                                "L", x21, y21, 
                                "A", r1, r1, 0, big, 0, x11, y11,

            return {path: pathList, fill: color,'stroke-width':strokeWidth};

        var p = paper.path();
           p.attr({sector: [300, 300, 100, 140, 0, 0.0001, "#caac12",1]});
        p.animate({sector: [300, 300, 100, 140, 0.0001, Math.PI * 1.999999, "#cacaca",0]}, 3000);

JSFiddle demo 2 JSFiddle演示2

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