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[英]Accessing a variable from a different class - custom dialog

I am trying to create a dialog that will get the a social security number (or simular input) from a pop up dialog, but when I try I get an error saying that the class does not have that attribute. 我正在尝试创建一个对话框,该对话框将从弹出的对话框中获取社会保险号(或模拟输入),但是当我尝试尝试时,出现一个错误,提示该类没有该属性。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

from Tkinter import *

class App:
    def __init__(self, master):
        b = Button(text="Click for social dialog", command=self.getSocial)
        b.grid(row=0, column=0)
    def getSocial(self):
        d = socialDialog(root)
        print d.social
class socialDialog:
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.top = Toplevel()
        Label(self.top, text='Social Security #: ').grid(row=0, column=0)
        self.entry = Entry(self.top)
        self.entry.grid(row=0, column=1)
        self.top.bind('<Key>', self.formatData)
        self.top.bind('<Return>', self.ok)
    def formatData(self, master):
        currentData = self.entry.get()
        if len(currentData) == 3:
            self.entry.insert(3, '-')
        elif len(currentData) == 6:
            self.entry.insert(6, '-')
        elif len(currentData) > 11:
            self.entry.delete(-1, END)
    def ok(self, master):
        self.social = self.entry.get()
root = Tk()
app = App(root)

The problem is your socialDialog class is only assigned a social attribute after you press Return, which invokes the ok method. 问题是,仅您按Return键(调用ok方法) 后才socialDialog类分配social属性。 Therefore when you call getSocial , which instantiates a socialDialog , and then immediately access the social attribute, the social attribute in the socialDialog instance doesn't exist yet. 因此,当您调用getSocial实例化socialDialog ,然后立即访问social属性时, socialDialog实例中的social属性尚不存在。

I'm not sure what your long term goals for this code are, but an immediate fix would be to change the getSocial function thusly: 我不确定该代码的长期目标是什么,但是一个直接的解决方法是更改getSocial函数:

def getSocial(self):
    d = socialDialog(root)
    #  print d.social

then add 然后加

print self.social

to the ok method. ok方法。

The problem is that print is executed immediately after the dialog is shown, because the dialog is not shown modally. 问题是显示对话框后立即执行print ,因为对话框没有模态显示。

To fix that, try something like this: 要解决此问题,请尝试如下操作:

d = socialDialog(root)
print d.social

But note that the error will still occur if the dialog is closed without entering anything. 但是请注意,如果在不输入任何内容的情况下关闭对话框,仍然会发生错误。 To prevent that, make sure the social attribute has a default value: 为避免这种情况,请确保social属性具有默认值:

class socialDialog:
    social = None

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