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.htaccess RewriteRule更改下划线变为破折号

[英].htaccess RewriteRule change underscore to dash

I have a ReWrite rule in my .htaccess file right now: 我的.htaccess文件中现在有一个ReWrite规则:

RewriteRule ^item/?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?/?$ static/items.php?a=$1&b=$2 [NC,L]

It will pick any items that have an underscore: 它将选择任何带有下划线的项目:


However, I need to change from underscore to dashes to make it: 但是,我需要将其从下划线更改为破折号:


If I simply make a change in RewriteRule string it breaks it. 如果我只是在RewriteRule字符串中进行更改,它将破坏它。 Not sure how to fix that. 不知道如何解决。

RewriteRule ^item/?([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)?/?$ static/items.php?a=$1&b=$2 [NC,L]

This is fairly tricky stuff but can be done using following Rewrite rules: 这是相当棘手的事情,但是可以使用以下Rewrite规则来完成:

RewriteEngine On

# first replace each _ by - recursively
RewriteRule ^(item)/([^_]*)_(.*)$ /$1/$2-$3 [L,NC]

# now usual stuff to forward request to static/item.php
RewriteRule ^(item)/([^_/]*)/?([^_/]*)/?$ static/$1.php?a=$2&b=$3 [L,QSA,NC]

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