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[英]Partition a sequence of disjunctions in Scalaz

使用Scalaz将Seq[A \\/ B]划分为(Seq[A], Seq[B])的最佳方法是什么?

There is a method: separate defined in MonadPlus. 有一种方法,包括: separate 定义在MonadPlus。 This typeclass is a combination a Monad with PlusEmpty (generalized Monoid). 这个类型类是Monad和PlusEmpty(广义Monoid)的组合。 So you need to define instance for Seq : 所以你需要为Seq定义实例:

1) MonadPlus[Seq] 1)MonadPlus [Seq]

implicit val seqmp = new MonadPlus[Seq] {
  def plus[A](a: Seq[A], b: => Seq[A]): Seq[A] = a ++ b
  def empty[A]: Seq[A] = Seq.empty[A]
  def point[A](a: => A): Seq[A] = Seq(a)
  def bind[A, B](fa: Seq[A])(f: (A) => Seq[B]): Seq[B] = fa.flatMap(f)

Seq is already monadic, so point and bind are easy, empty and plus are monoid operations and Seq is a free monoid Seq已经是monadic,所以pointbind很容易, emptyplus是monoid操作而Seq是一个免费的monoid

2) Bifoldable[\\/] 2)双折[\\ /]

implicit val bife = new Bifoldable[\/] {
    def bifoldMap[A, B, M](fa: \/[A, B])(f: (A) => M)(g: (B) => M)(implicit F: Monoid[M]): M = fa match {
      case \/-(r) => g(r)
      case -\/(l) => f(l)

    def bifoldRight[A, B, C](fa: \/[A, B], z: => C)(f: (A, => C) => C)(g: (B, => C) => C): C = fa match {
      case \/-(r) => g(r, z)
      case -\/(l) => f(l, z)

Also easy, standard folding, but for type constructors with two parameters. 也很容易,标准折叠,但对于具有两个参数的类型构造函数。

Now you can use separate: 现在您可以单独使用:

val seq: Seq[String \/ Int] = List(\/-(10), -\/("wrong"), \/-(22), \/-(1), -\/("exception"))
scala> seq.separate
res2: (Seq[String], Seq[Int]) = (List(wrong, number exception),List(10, 22, 1))

Update 更新

Thanks to Kenji Yoshida , there is a Bitraverse[\\/], so you need only MonadPlus. 由于吉田健二 ,有一个Bitraverse [\\ /],所以你只需要MonadPlus。

And a simple solution using foldLeft : 使用foldLeft的简单解决方案:

seq.foldLeft((Seq.empty[String], Seq.empty[Int])){ case ((as, ai), either) =>
  either match {
    case \/-(r) => (as, ai :+ r)
    case -\/(l) => (as :+ l, ai)

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