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将Delphi VarSupports转换为C ++ Builder

[英]Translating Delphi VarSupports to C++ Builder

I am attempting to translate this code from Delphi to C++ Builder: 我正在尝试将此代码从Delphi转换为C ++ Builder:

 procedure HandleStyleSheets(const Document: IDispatch);
  Doc: IHTMLDocument2;                      // document object
  StyleSheets: IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection;  // document's style sheets
  SheetIdx: Integer;                        // loops thru style sheets
  OVSheetIdx: OleVariant;                   // index of a style sheet
  StyleSheet: IHTMLStyleSheet;              // reference to a style sheet
  OVStyleSheet: OleVariant;                 // variant ref to style sheet
  RuleIdx: Integer;                         // loops thru style sheet rules
  Style: IHTMLRuleStyle;                    // ref to rule's style
   // Get IHTMLDocument2 interface of document
  if not Supports(Document, IHTMLDocument2, Doc) then
  // Loop through all style sheets
  StyleSheets := Doc.styleSheets;
  for SheetIdx := 0 to Pred(StyleSheets.length) do
   OVSheetIdx := SheetIdx; // sheet index as variant required for next call
   // Get reference to style sheet (comes as variant which we convert to
   // interface reference)
   OVStyleSheet := StyleSheets.item(OVSheetIdx);
 if VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet) then
   // Loop through all rules within style a sheet
   for RuleIdx := 0 to Pred(StyleSheet.rules.length) do
     // Get style from a rule and reset required attributes.
     // Note: style is IHTMLRuleStyle, not IHTMLStyle, although many
     // attributes are shared between these interfaces
     Style := StyleSheet.rules.item(RuleIdx).style;
     Style.backgroundImage := '';  // removes any background image
     Style.backgroundColor := '';  // resets background colour to default

Everything went fine until this line: 一切顺利,直到这一行:

    if (VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IID_IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet))

It reports: E2285 Could not find a match for 'VarSupports(OleVariant,_GUID,_di_IHTMLStyleSheet)' 它报告:E2285找不到与“ VarSupports(OleVariant,_GUID,_di_IHTMLStyleSheet)”的匹配项

Everything else translated just fine. 其他所有翻译都很好。 Can anyone help me with above line? 有人可以帮我解决上述问题吗?

My translation so far: 到目前为止,我的翻译是:

DelphiInterface<IHTMLDocument2> Doc;                                        // document object
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection> StyleSheets;                    // document's style sheets
int SheetIdx;                                                               // loops thru style sheets
OleVariant OVSheetIdx;                                                      // index of a style sheet
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheet> StyleSheet;                                // reference to a style sheet
OleVariant OVStyleSheet;                                                    // variant ref to style sheet
int RuleIdx;                                                                // loops thru style sheet rules
DelphiInterface<IHTMLRuleStyle> Style;                                      // ref to rule's style
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheetRule> StyleSheetRule;

// Get IHTMLDocument2 interface of document
if (!Supports(EmbeddedWB1->Document, IID_IHTMLDocument2, Doc)) throw Exception("Not supported");

// Loop through all style sheets
StyleSheets = Doc->styleSheets;
for (SheetIdx = 0; SheetIdx < StyleSheets->length; SheetIdx++)
    OVSheetIdx = SheetIdx;                                                  // sheet index as variant required for next call
    // Get reference to style sheet (comes as variant which we convert to  interface reference)
    StyleSheets->item(OVSheetIdx, OVStyleSheet);
    if (VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IID_IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet))
        // Loop through all rules within style a sheet
        for (RuleIdx = 0; RuleIdx < StyleSheet->rules->length; RuleIdx)
            // Get style from a rule and reset required attributes.
            // Note: style is IHTMLRuleStyle, not IHTMLStyle, although many
            // attributes are shared between these interfaces

            StyleSheet->rules->item(RuleIdx, StyleSheetRule);
            Style = StyleSheetRule->style;

            Style->backgroundImage = L"";  // removes any background image
            Style->backgroundColor = L"";  // resets background colour to default

The reason for the compile error is that VarSupports is defined as taking a Variant , and you are passing an OleVariant . 发生编译错误的原因是VarSupports被定义为采用Variant ,并且您正在传递OleVariant

It looks to me as if the code is trying to assign the OVStyleSheet to the IHTMLStyleSheet interface StyleSheet. 在我看来,似乎代码正在尝试将OVStyleSheet分配给IHTMLStyleSheet接口StyleSheet。 In C++ Builder, you should be able to just assign it, as in 在C ++ Builder中,您应该能够对其进行分配,如下所示:

_di_IInterface inter = _di_IInterface(OVStyleSheet);
StyleSheet = inter;

If that succeeds and StyleSheet is not NULL, you should be able to use StyleSheet . 如果成功,并且StyleSheet不为NULL,则应该可以使用StyleSheet Note that invalid Variant assignments can throw an exception, so you might want to handle that (and assume that the exception also means that the OVStyleSheet does not support the IHTMLStyleSheet interface) 请注意,无效的Variant分配会引发异常,因此您可能要处理该异常(并假定该异常还意味着OVStyleSheet不支持IHTMLStyleSheet接口)

Also, C++ Builder has an Interface.Supports function that appears to do what VarSupports does, except that VarSupports takes a variant, so Interface.Supports also requires you to obtain the interface from the OleVariant yourself. 此外,C ++ Builder具有一个Interface.Supports函数,该函数似乎可以完成VarSupports的工作,但VarSupports具有一个变体,因此Interface.Supports还要求您自己从OleVariant获取接口。 Probably something like: 大概是这样的:

di_IInterface inter = _di_IInterface(OVStyleSheet);
if (inter->Supports(StyleSheet))
    ShowMessage("StyleSheet has been assigned");

This compiles, but I have not tested it. 可以编译,但我尚未对其进行测试。

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