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[英]Using SQS and token vending machine on non ios and andorid devices

I am developing an app on both j2me and windows phone 8 platform and the app will need to access the Amazon SQS. 我正在j2me和Windows Phone 8平台上开发一个应用程序,该应用程序将需要访问Amazon SQS。

Of course this has to be done securely. 当然,这必须安全地完成。 I can only see the android and ios sdk, how do I securely (with the token vending machine) access the Amazon SQS on other platform other than ios and android? 我只能看到android和ios sdk,如何安全地(使用令牌自动售货机)访问ios和android以外的其他平台上的Amazon SQS?

While there is no TVM sample for C#, you may be interested in this blog post - http://notebookheavy.com/2012/04/19/amazon-simpledb-for-windows-phone-part-4-tvmclient/ 虽然没有C#的TVM示例,但您可能对此博客帖子感兴趣-http://notebookheavy.com/2012/04/19/amazon-simpledb-for-windows-phone-part-4-tvmclient/

The author has converted much of the Android implementation into C# and it may give you a head start. 作者已将许多Android实现转换为C#,这可能会让您有所作为。

You may also be interested in using web identity federation. 您可能还对使用Web身份联盟感兴趣。 This blog post explains how to use that with the AWS SDK for .NET. 这篇博客文章介绍了如何将其与适用于.NET的AWS开发工具包结合使用。

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