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[英]Attaching SVN working copy to tortoise

I have a project that I have downloaded from SVN using Eclipse plugin Subclipse. 我有一个使用Eclipse插件Subclipse从SVN下载的项目。 I now want to stop using subclipse to manage the versioning, and start using TortoiseSVN. 我现在想停止使用subclipse来管理版本控制,而开始使用TortoiseSVN。 Is there a way to "attach" my working copy so that Tortoise can manage it? 有没有办法“附加”我的工作副本,以便Tortoise可以对其进行管理? I don't want to re-download the project as it was a huge pain setting everything up in the first place (ie that will be the last option). 我不想重新下载该项目,因为首先要设置所有内容(这将是最后的选择)非常麻烦。

Note: I am on Windows 7. 注意:我在Windows 7上。

It is all about working copy versions. 这都是关于工作副本版本的。 If your local working copy format version for Subclipse matches the one for TortoiseSVN you can use your checked out local working copy as they are (TortoiseSVN indicates this by showing icons for the files in your explorer). 如果Subclipse的本地工作副本格式版本与TortoiseSVN的版本匹配,则可以按原样使用签出的本地工作副本(TortoiseSVN通过在资源管理器中显示文件图标来表明这一点)。 However you should double-check this in the Subclipse and TortoiseSVN home pages respectively. 但是,您应该分别在Subclipse和TortoiseSVN主页中再次进行检查。

If your working copy format versions match you can also switch between Subclipse and TortoiseSVN as you see fit. 如果您的工作副本格式版本匹配,您还可以根据需要在Subclipse和TortoiseSVN之间切换。

Now if this doesn't work for you already, there is a mismatch between the working copy formats. 现在,如果这不适用于您,则工作副本格式之间将不匹配。 With your scenario this is what you need to do: 对于您的方案,这是您需要做的:

  • Your Subclipse working copy format version is lower than your TortoiseSVN version. 您的Subclipse工作副本格式版本低于TortoiseSVN版本。 If that is the case all you need to do is to upgrade the working copy format which TortoiseSVN can do for you. 在这种情况下,您所需要做的就是升级TortoiseSVN可以为您完成的工作副本格式。 If I remember correctly TortoiseSVN will suggest to do this automatically, but I know for sure that you can use the command 'svn upgrade' on a command prompt on your working copy. 如果我没有记错的话,TortoiseSVN将建议自动执行此操作,但是我确信您可以在工作副本的命令提示符下使用命令“ svn upgrade”。 After running this it will no longer work for your Subclipse until you upgrade it to match the same working copy format version. 运行此命令后,它将不再适用于您的Subclipse,直到您对其进行升级以匹配相同的工作副本格式版本为止。
  • Your Subclipse working copy format version is higher that your TortoiseSVN version. 您的Subclipse工作副本格式版本高于TortoiseSVN版本。 I suggest you upgrade to a later (the latest?) version of TortoiseSVN. 我建议您升级到更高版本的TortoiseSVN。

NOTE! 注意! In all this, the important is not which version if Subclipse or TortoiseSVN you are running. 在所有这一切中,重要的不是要运行的是Subclipse还是TortoiseSVN。 The important is which Subversion version it is linked against. 重要的是要链接到哪个Subversion版本。 On http://tortoisesvn.net/ you can see that "TortoiseSVN 1.8.2 has been released. It is linked against Subversion 1.8.3". http://tortoisesvn.net/上,您可以看到“ TortoiseSVN 1.8.2已发布。它与Subversion 1.8.3链接”。 In this case the 1.8.3 is the important version and is using the 1.8 working copy format. 在这种情况下,1.8.3是重要版本,并使用1.8工作副本格式。

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