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[英]Spring application deployment on Java-ee servers

Can I deploy a Spring java application on all (or at least most) of JavaEE servers ? 我可以在所有(或至少大多数)JavaEE服务器上部署Spring Java应用程序吗? like Weblogic, JBoss, Webshpere, Tomcat, Jettty etc. 如Weblogic,JBoss,Webshpere,Tomcat,Jettty等。

And is there is preferred Java EE server for Spring ? Spring是否有首选的Java EE服务器?

Yes you can. 是的你可以。 And no - there isn´t. 而且-没有。 Errata: you can take a look at the SpringSource dm Server . 勘误:您可以看一下SpringSource dm Server Be aware that spring is not a java EE implementation. 请注意,spring不是Java EE实现。 Read this post here . 在这里阅读这篇文章。

Yes, you can deploy it on any server, and you can use it on standalone applications and even on mobile applications . 是的,您可以在任何服务器上部署它,也可以在独立应用程序甚至移动应用程序上使用它。 It is in no way restricted to web deployment. 它绝不限于Web部署。 It is not even restricted to java, there is Spring.NET and even a Python version. 它甚至不限于Java,还有Spring.NET甚至Python版本。 However, java and web servers are a common if not the most common use for it. 但是,java和Web服务器是通用的,如果不是最常用的话。

Currently recommended web server by VMWare/Pivotal (current owner of Spring) is VFabric tcServer , which is a Tomcat fork containing some extra tools and functionality. VMWare / Pivotal(Spring的当前所有者)当前推荐的Web服务器是VFabric tcServer ,它是Tomcat分支,其中包含一些额外的工具和功能。 But server in itself does not matter, Spring is container agnostic. 但是服务器本身并不重要,Spring与容器无关。

There is no preferred EE server. 没有首选的EE服务器。 VFabric tcServer is a servlet container, not an EE server. VFabric tcServer是Servlet容器,而不是EE服务器。 It contains " enterprise capabilities " instead, but that's not the same thing . 相反,它包含“ 企业功能 ”,但这不是一回事 As said however, you can use whichever EE server you want. 如前所述,您可以使用所需的任何EE服务器。

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