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[英]Java-EE Session Clarification

I have a web-application in java which is invoked by yet another web-application written i java. 我有一个Java中的Web应用程序,该Web应用程序由另一个用Java编写的Web应用程序调用。 My concern is about the session timeout. 我担心的是会话超时。 Say if the session timeout for the web-application being invoked is 30 mins for user session timeout and the session timeout for the web-application which invokes the web-application is 15 mins. 假设被调用的Web应用程序的会话超时对于用户会话超时来说是30分钟,而调用该Web应用程序的Web应用程序的会话超时是否是15分钟。

What would be the session timeout value for the web application for the website being invoked either 30 mins as set in its own web.xml or 15 mins as set in the web-application which invokes it. 对于被调用的网站,Web应用程序的会话超时值是多少,或者是在其自己的web.xml中设置的30分钟,还是在调用它的Web应用程序中设置的15分钟。

So you have web-app A which is invoked by web-app B. 因此,您拥有由Web应用B调用的Web应用A。

A has a session timeout of 30 minutes. 的会话超时为30分钟。

B has a session timeout of 15 minutes. B的会话超时为15分钟。

And you're asking what the session timeout of A is. 您在问A的会话超时是多少。

Well, the answer is in the question: 30 minutes. 好吧,答案就出在问题上:30分钟。 Whether A receives HTTP requests from a regular user or from another web application is irrelevant. A是从常规用户还是从另一个Web应用程序接收HTTP请求都是无关紧要的。

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