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[英]is it possible to change the name of an iOS app via xcode?

we want to publish an update of our app. 我们想发布我们的应用程序的更新。 Is it possible to rename the app after the update? 更新后是否可以重命名应用程序? let's say the app is called myApp and I want it to be called myApp 2 after the update... can it be done? 假设该应用程序名为myApp ,我希望在更新后将其称为myApp 2 ...可以这样做吗?

In Build Setting , You can change Product Name . 在构建设置中 ,您可以更改产品名称


Actually you can. 其实你可以。 You can change the "Bundle Name" which (I think) is the name the App appears on the AppStore and the "Bundle Display Name" which is the name that appears under your icon on the Home screen. 您可以更改“捆绑名称”(我认为)是应用程序在AppStore上显示的名称,以及“捆绑显示名称”,它是主屏幕上您的图标下显示的名称。 But if you change your "Bundle Identifier" then your App is not the same App. 但是,如果您更改“捆绑标识符”,那么您的应用程序就不是同一个应用程序。 More info can be found in the Apple Docs here . 更多信息可以在Apple Docs中找到

https://stackoverflow.com/a/8074959/480415 https://stackoverflow.com/a/8074959/480415

select your target, "Info" tab, and set the "Bundle display name" field to the name you want (ie "MySuperApp"). 选择目标,“信息”选项卡,并将“捆绑显示名称”字段设置为您想要的名称(即“MySuperApp”)。 This is the simplest, pain-free solution. 这是最简单,无痛苦的解决方案。

当然,您需要修改.plist文件中的Bundle display name

Actually there are several "app names"... (such as several people call you "friend", "John", "father", "son",... hehehe!) 实际上有几个“应用程序名称”...(例如几个人称你为“朋友”,“约翰”,“父亲”,“儿子”,......呵呵!)

1) the name that you see below the icon - you can change in several ways, but the best suggestion is from @gWiz, just change your "Bundle display name" in your Target properties (tab "Info", or you can find it called "Display Name" in the tab "General"). 1)您在图标下方看到的名称 - 您可以通过多种方式进行更改,但最好的建议是来自@gWiz,只需更改目标属性中的“捆绑显示名称”(“信息”选项卡,或者您可以找到它)在“常规”选项卡中称为“显示名称”。

Bundle display name: (Required, Localizable) The user-visible name of the bundle; 捆绑显示名称:(必需,可本地化)捆绑包的用户可见名称; used by Siri and visible on the Home screen in iOS. 由Siri使用,在iOS的主屏幕上可见。 See CFBundleDisplayName for details. 有关详细信息,请参阅CFBundleDisplayName。

2) the Bundle Name , found in the same "Info" tab, is not " the name the App appears on the AppStore " as suggested by @gWiz, rather: 2)在同一个“信息”选项卡中找到的Bundle Name不是@gWiz建议的“ 应用程序在AppStore上显示的名称 ”,而是:

Bundle Name: (Recommended, Localizable) The short name of the bundle; 捆绑名称:(推荐,可本地化)捆绑包的简称; not intended to be seen by the user . 不打算被用户看到 See CFBundleName for details. 有关详细信息,请参阅CFBundleName。

3) another name is the Product Name , that you can find in "Build Setting" tab - @Lihn suggestion is okay, as from Apple documentation " The product name is the name of your app as it will appear to customers in the store and should be similar to the app name you enter later in iTunes Connect. "... but this is a bit confusing, and not 100% correct. 3)另一个名称是产品名称 ,您可以在“构建设置”选项卡中找到 - @Lihn建议没问题,从Apple文档“ 产品名称是您的应用程序的名称,因为它将显示给商店中的客户,应该类似于您稍后在iTunes Connect中输入的应用名称。 “...但这有点令人困惑,而且不是100%正确。 In iOS the "Product Name" is not used too much, just forget it. 在iOS中,“产品名称”使用不太多,只是忘了它。 In MacOS maybe you can see somewhere... (suggestions?) 在MacOS中,你可以看到某处...(建议?)

4) the name that you see in AppStore , this is asked in iTunesConnect when you create a new app (or want to modify metadata with a new binary version), and is usually just called "Name", or "App Name" in Apple documentation... 4)您在AppStore中看到的名称,当您创建新应用程序(或想要使用新的二进制版本修改元数据)时,会在iTunesConnect中询问该名称 ,并且通常在Apple中称为“名称”或“应用程序名称”文档...

App Name: (Required, Localizable) The name of the app as shown in AppStore. 应用程序名称:(必需,可本地化)AppStore中显示的应用程序名称。

5) Name of the schemes, name of the targets,... probably you're not interested, or you can experiment by yourself, or read Apple docs (better to experiment, for me) 5)计划的名称,目标的名称,......可能你不感兴趣,或者你可以自己试验,或阅读Apple文档(更好地为我做实验)

At the moment I cannot give you more details, as: 目前我无法向您提供更多详细信息,如:

but the main idea is: 但主要的想法是:

  • The name below the icon , on the device, can be edited at a new binary submission changing "Bundle display name" 设备上图标下方的名称可以在更改“捆绑显示名称”的新二进制提交中进行编辑
  • The name of the app , as seen inside the AppStore, can be edited again every new binary submission, changing "Name" or "App Name" directly in iTunes. 如AppStore中所见,应用程序名称可以在每次新的二进制提交时再次编辑,直接在iTunes中更改“名称”或“应用程序名称”。

...and both are localizable. ......两者都是可本地化的。

The app name is the Product name for Debug/Release in Build Settings -> Packaging. 应用程序名称是Build Settings - > Packaging中Debug / Release的产品名称。 If you change it then the Bundle name and Bundle display name might change too if the default ${PRODUCT_NAME} value is there. 如果您更改它,那么如果存在默认的$ {PRODUCT_NAME}值,则Bundle名称和Bundle显示名称也可能会更改。 According to the Apple docs Bundle Display Name is the name that is displayed under the app icon while Bundle Name is a short name of the above but I am unaware of anything that uses it. 根据Apple文档Bundle Display Name是应用程序图标下显示的名称,而Bundle Name是上面的简称,但我不知道任何使用它的东西。


For changing the apps name see https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1625/_index.html 有关更改应用名称的信息,请参阅https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1625/_index.html

However, the directory for the app's data will change as well. 但是,应用程序数据的目录也会更改。 If you want to move some data, you can find the directory used by the simulator eg with: NSString *homeDir = NSHomeDirectory(); 如果要移动某些数据,可以找到模拟器使用的目录,例如:NSString * homeDir = NSHomeDirectory(); NSLog(@"%@",homeDir); 的NSLog(@ “%@”,HOMEDIR); before and after renaming and use 'Go to Folder' in finder to get there. 在重命名之前和之后使用finder中的“Go to Folder”来实现。

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