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[英]Javascript code not running properly

i just finished my code but instead of showing tick.gif it shows the word "tick" with a box over it. 我刚刚完成代码,但没有显示tick.gif,而是在其上方显示了一个框“ tick”。 Also the onmouseover feature isn't working either. 另外,onmouseover功能也不起作用。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Changeup test</title>
<img scr="tick.gif" alt="tick" onmouseover="this.scr='tick2.gif';
"onmouseout="this.gif='tick.gif';" />

The source attribute for the tag is misspelled in the code you pasted above. 标签的源属性在上面粘贴的代码中拼写错误。 It needs to be src. 它必须是src。

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Changeup test</title>
    <img src="tick.gif" alt="tick" onmouseover="this.src='tick2.gif'; "onmouseout="this.src='tick.gif';" />

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