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[英]Excel charts: prevent auto grouping of dates

I got an excel table with two columns: date (dd/mm/yyy hh:mm) and value (integers). 我有一个包含两列的excel表:date(dd / mm / yyy hh:mm)和value(整数)。

The table has about 8000 values in a time range of 4 days. 该表在4天的时间范围内具有大约8000个值。

When I try to create a line or bar chart on these two columns, excel somehow accumulates all values for one day (ignoring the time). 当我尝试在这两列上创建线条或条形图时,excel以某种方式累积一天的所有值(忽略时间)。 ie I get a bar chart with 4 bars. 即我得到一个有4个酒吧的条形图。

What I actually want is having a bar/line chart where every single row resembles a bar/point in line chart. 我真正想要的是一个条形图/折线图,其中每一行类似于折线图中的条形/点。 Where can I find the friggin option to tell Excel what I want? 我在哪里可以找到告诉Excel我想要的friggin选项?

INFO: I use MS Excel for Mac: 2011, but I am pretty sure this is not a version related issue, but rather a 8th layer problem ;) 信息:我使用MS Excel for Mac:2011,但我很确定这不是与版本相关的问题,而是第8层问题;)

When you create an axis that has time and date values, Excel tries to be helpful and guess what you are trying to do. 当您创建具有时间和日期值的轴时,Excel会尝试提供帮助并猜测您要执行的操作。 I'm not sure about the mac, but in Excel 2010, when you right click the axis, and format it, this is the first window that pops up: 我不确定mac,但在Excel 2010中,右键单击轴并对其进行格式化时,这是弹出的第一个窗口:

For the Axis Type (seen around the middle here) it has Automatically select based on data selected. 对于轴类型(在中间看到),它已根据所选数据自动选择 This is what is grouping your data together as dates. 这就是将数据组合为日期的原因。 Change it to a Text axis , and all the points on your graph should now appear. 将其更改为文本轴 ,现在应显示图表上的所有点。

You need to separate date from time. 您需要将日期与时间分开。

  1. Create a new column and copy your date/time field (via equation or copy/paste) 创建一个新列并复制您的日期/时间字段(通过公式或复制/粘贴)
  2. Format one column as a date and the other as time. 将一列格式化为日期,将另一列格式化为时间。

Now your chart shouldn't auto-group. 现在你的图表不应该自动分组。

(I realize this question is old but maybe this will help someone else.) (我意识到这个问题已经过时了,但这可能对其他人有帮助。)

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