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perlist语法错误,位于wordlist.pl第11行,靠近“)$ fh”

[英]perl syntax error at wordlist.pl line 11, near “) $fh”

my $fn= "words.txt";
open ($fn), $file;
if (! -e "$fh") $fh="STDIN";
while (<$fn>){;
    my $total_words = @words; #All word count
    my %count;
    $count{$_}++ for @words; # Here are the counts
    my $uniq_words  = scalar keys %count; # Number of uniq words
# Print sorted by frequency

print "$_\t$count{$_}" for (sort { $count{$b} <=> $count{$a} } keys %count);

close FILE;
exit 0

I'm getting this error: 我收到此错误:

Scalar found where operator expected at wordlist.pl line 8, near ") $fh"
        (Missing operator before $fh?)
syntax error at wordlist.pl line 8, near ") $fh"
Execution of wordlist.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

please help 请帮忙

Perl always requires braces around the code after a conditional: 有条件的话,Perl 总是要求在代码两边加上大括号:

You wrote: 你写了:

if (! -e "$fh") $fh="STDIN";

You should write either: 您应该写:

if (! -e "$fh") { $fh="STDIN"; }

Or: 要么:

$fh = "STDIN" if ! -e "$fh";

Those are syntactically correct. 这些在语法上是正确的。 The code is semantically shot to pieces, though. 不过,该代码在语义上是一shot而就的。 To open a file, use: 要打开文件,请使用:

open my $fh, '<', $fn or die "Failed to open $fn";

And always use use strict; 并始终use strict; and use warnings; use warnings; . Perl experts use them to ensure they've not made silly mistakes. Perl专家使用它们来确保他们没有犯傻的错误。 Novices should do the same. 新手也应该​​这样做。

open ($fn), $file;

Remove the parentheses here. 在此处删除括号。

The first argument is the filehandle, and the second is the filename. 第一个参数是文件句柄,第二个参数是文件名。 You're using $fn as both the filename and filehandle, whereas $file is never defined. 您将$fn用作文件名和文件句柄,而从未定义$file

if (! -e "$fh") $fh="STDIN";

You can't leave off the braces around a block like this. 您不能在这样的块周围留下括号。 I'm also not sure what $fh is supposed to be since you never use it again. 我也不确定$fh应该是什么,因为您再也不会使用它了。

You seem confused about Perl's syntax. 您似乎对Perl的语法感到困惑。 How are you learning Perl? 您如何学习Perl?

Probably you got confused between file name $file and file handle $fh 可能您在文件名$file和文件句柄$fh之间感到困惑

Try changing your first three lines to 尝试将您的前三行更改为

my $file= "words.txt";
if (! -e $file) {
  my $fh = *STDIN;
} else {
  open my $fh, '<', $file;

And it seems there is typo in $fn . $fn似乎有错字。 Shouldn't it be $fh ? 不是$fh吗?

Your understanding of open is incorrect. 您对open理解不正确。 The modern way of using it with a three argument call is typically: 通过三个参数调用使用它的现代方式通常是:

open my $fh, '<', <file name> or die $!;

You specify a new file handle object as the first argument, not the file name. 您指定一个新的文件句柄对象作为第一个参数,而不是文件名。 You also do not need to open a file to check if it exists. 您也不需要打开文件来检查它是否存在。 So instead of doing that just do something along the lines of: 因此,除了执行以下操作之外,还可以执行以下操作:

my $file = 'words.txt';
if (! -e $file) {
  print "$file does not exist\n";
else {
 # open your file here and remember to close it

Then just use the special diamond operator <> to operate on STDIN if it does not exist. 如果不存在,请使用特殊的菱形运算符<>STDIN上进行操作。

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