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[英]Trying to figure out a regex answer

I am trying to match these items <script> or [cdata] or [html encoding or <html encoding. 我正在尝试匹配这些项目<script>[cdata][html编码或<html编码。 The words can be upper case or lowercase or a combo and I need to be able to find them and keep on finding them. 单词可以是大写或小写或组合,我需要能够找到它们并继续寻找它们。 Is my below answer close? 我下面的答案是否关闭? I have no idea what to do with searching for that bracket as it is a part of reg-ex. 我不知道如何处理该括号,因为它是reg-ex的一部分。 I am attempting to check with reg-ex 101 and reg-ex hero but both contradict the other and it is difficult to figure out which one is correct. 我正尝试与reg-ex 101和reg-ex hero进行核对,但两者相互矛盾,很难确定哪一个是正确的。


I have no idea what to do with searching for that bracket as it is a part of reg-ex 我不知道如何处理该括号,因为它是reg-ex的一部分

you escape it using \\ 您使用\\进行转义

so \\[ would match [ 因此\\ [会匹配[

It's unclear what you want, but if it's to find any of the following: 不清楚您想要什么,但是否可以找到以下任何一项:

  • <script>
  • [cdata[
  • [html
  • <html

Use this regex: 使用此正则表达式:


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