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[英]Using If statement with ember in a JS file

I am not sure how this works but i need to put an if statement in the following code. 我不知道这是如何工作的,但我需要在下面的代码中添加一个if语句。 I know Javascript but not ember, still learning it as I go My file is called: CatalogueListController.js and the code with in: 我知道Javascript但不是ember,我仍在学习它我的文件被称为:CatalogueListController.js和代码在:

App.CataloguelistController = Em.ArrayController.extend(Ember.PaginationSupport, {
needs: ["search", "accountBrowse"],
content: [],
total: 0,
isLoading: false,
outofcount: 0,
searchquery: '',
classid: 0,
attributelist: '',
processguid: '',
quotetypeMetaBinding: "App.metaDataController.QUOTETYPE",

addToBulk: function(context) {
        var self        = this,
    accountguid = App.selectedAccountGuid,
    quotetype   = (context && context.metacode) ? context.metacode : App.currentQuotetype,
    itemArray   = [];

       //some more code here    

//i need to put the if here if it is for a certain accountguid then have 
    currentViewList: true,
currentViewBulk: false,

    //else have this
currentViewList: false,
currentViewBulk: true,

mainPage: false,

andOr: [
    {"name": "Match All", "value": "AND"},
    {"name": "Match Any", "value": "OR"}
andOrSelected: 'AND',

i have put in comments where i need to have the if. 我已经把评论放在哪里,我需要if。 Any help please? 有什么帮助吗? thanks 谢谢

On init conditionally set those properties: 在init上有条件地设置这些属性:

App.CataloguelistController = Em.ArrayController.extend(Ember.PaginationSupport, {
init: function(){
    this.set('currentViewList', true);
    this.set('currentViewBulk', false);
  // set them to something else..

You can use computed properties. 您可以使用计算属性。 Also if you ever need to, you can bind computed properties with other properties that may change dynamically.( http://emberjs.com/guides/object-model/computed-properties/ ) 此外,如果您需要,可以将计算属性与可能动态更改的其他属性绑定。( http://emberjs.com/guides/object-model/computed-properties/

App.CataloguelistController = Em.ArrayController.extend(Ember.PaginationSupport, {
  needs: ["search", "accountBrowse"],

    if(/*it is for a certain accountguid*/){
      return true;
      return false;
    if(/*it is for a certain accountguid*/){
      return true;
      return false;


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