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[英]RegEx - Get All Characters After A Specific Character (#)


var category = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work"

You can use this regex: 您可以使用此正则表达式:

var category = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work";
var hashval = category.replace(/^[^#]*#([\s\S]*)$/, '$1');
//=> work

OR better using String#match: 或者使用String#match更好:

var hashval = category.match(/#([\s\S]*)$/)[1];
//=> work

The nice way is to let the browser do the heavy lifting. 好的方法是让浏览器完成繁重的工作。

var category = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work",
    link = document.createElement('a'),

link.href = category;

hash = link.hash;

This has your browser create an a element and set the the href property of that element to be category . 这使您的浏览器创建a元素并将a元素的href属性设置为category The browser then parses the URL. 浏览器然后解析URL。 The link's hash property is the bit after the # in the URL. 链接的hash属性是URL中#后面的位。

I answered a similar question some time ago, with a more worked-out version of this code. 不久前,我回答了一个类似的问题 ,并用了更完善的代码。

i think another way, is using a Capture Group : 我认为另一种方式是使用捕获组


In this way, it is possible to create other different groups to capture different elements. 这样,可以创建其他不同的组来捕获不同的元素。

Hope this helps = D 希望这可以帮助= D

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