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[英]Orbit an element around another in the z axis (z index)

I saw a plugin a while ago but can not find it. 不久前我看到了一个插件,但找不到。 It orbits an element by starting it behind another element, slides it to the right, switches the z-index to be greater than the element and slides it to the left (making it biggest in the middle), then switches z-index to be lower, and slides it behind the element. 它通过在另一个元素之后开始使其绕轨道旋转,将其向右滑动,将z-index切换为大于该元素,然后将其向左滑动(使其在中间最大),然后将z-index切换为降低,并将其滑动到元素后面。

Search Term: "jquery zindex orbit element" 搜索词:“ jquery zindex轨道元素”

4th Result: http://css-tricks.com/examples/Circulate/ 第4个结果: http//css-tricks.com/examples/Circulate/

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