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Google自定义网站搜索Api C#分页

[英]Google Custom Site Search Api C# Paging

I am using the Google C# API for the Custom Search and have it working and returning results, however I cannot see a way to make the paging work correctly. 我正在使用Google C#API进行自定义搜索,并使其正常工作并返回结果,但是我看不到使分页正常工作的方法。

Looking at what I get returned, no where does it tell me how many pages there are in the result? 看看返回的内容,没有什么地方可以告诉我结果中有多少页? It just has a .Start property? 它只是具有.Start属性? Which is not much good unless I know how many 'pages' of results I have? 除非我知道结果有多少“页”,否则哪一个不是很好?

Am I missing something stupid here? 我在这里想念一些愚蠢的东西吗? Here is an example of the code I have so far 这是我到目前为止的代码示例

        var svc = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { ApiKey = settings.GoogleCustomSearchApi });
        var listRequest = svc.Cse.List(searchTerm);

        listRequest.Cx = settings.GoogleCustomSearchEngineId;
        listRequest.ImgSize = CseResource.ListRequest.ImgSizeEnum.Medium;
        listRequest.Num = 10;

        // List to hold everything in
        var resultItems = new List<Google.Apis.Customsearch.v1.Data.Result>();

        // Result set 1
        listRequest.Start = 1;
        var search = listRequest.Execute();

I have resulted at the moment to doing two or three calls one after the other and getting a load of results back. 目前,我的结果是一个接一个地进行两个或三个调用,并返回大量结果。 But I would prefer to have this properly paged. 但我希望对此进行正确的分页。

The JSON API response has totlResults field: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/reference/cse/list#response . JSON API响应具有totlResults字段: https : //developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/reference/cse/list#response It should be exposed under search.Queries 它应该在搜索下公开。



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