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CRM 2011-删除托管解决方案而不会丢失数据

[英]CRM 2011 - Deleting managed solution without losing data

I would like to know if there is a way to delete a solution in CRM Dynamics 2011 without losing all the data. 我想知道是否可以在不丢失所有数据的情况下删除CRM Dynamics 2011中的解决方案。 Here is what happened. 这是发生了什么事。

  • The organization has a managed solution deployed since mid june. 自6月中旬以来,该组织已部署了托管解决方案。 It's called "Solution 1". 它称为“解决方案1”。
  • Solution 1 contains many entities. 解决方案1包含许多实体。 One of the entities is called "Entity 1". 实体之一称为“实体1”。
  • Another managed solution was deployed yesterday. 昨天部署了另一个托管解决方案。 It is called "Solution 2". 它称为“解决方案2”。
  • Solution 2 contains only one entity : "Entity 1". 解决方案2仅包含一个实体:“实体1”。

I would like to be able to delete solution 2 without losing the Entity 1 and it's data. 我希望能够删除解决方案2而不会丢失实体1及其数据。

How? 怎么样?

Removing Solution 2 should not delete Entity 1 since it is defined by Solution 1. It will however remove any new customizations you've made to Entity 1 that are not included in Solution 1. 删除解决方案2不应删除实体1,因为它是由解决方案1定义的。但是,它将删除您对实体1所做的任何新的自定义,这些自定义不包含在解决方案1中。

Basically your Solution 2 is like a "hold" solution in the sense of this blog . 本博客的意义上讲,您的解决方案2基本上就像一个“保留”解决方案。 The blog describes how to remove an attribute from a entity without removing the entity. 博客描述了如何从实体中删除属性而不删除实体。 In your case, you're just removing the "hold" solution instead of completing the process. 就您而言,您只是删除“保留”解决方案而不是完成该过程。

您应该查看“ ALM for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011”(请参阅http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id=39044 )在文档中搜索“通过删除组件来修复补丁” '

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