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[英]“New” Excel.Application vs Excel.Application

I am seeking clarification on the impact of "New" on the objects and the script. 我正在寻求澄清“新”对对象和脚本的影响。

My understanding is that if I need to perform actions on an excel document and the application is closed then I should use New Excel.Application. 我的理解是,如果我需要对excel文档执行操作并且应用程序已关闭,那么我应该使用New Excel.Application。

If I keep this application active (through an object such as a Workbook for example) and later in the script I decide to open another workbook, should I still use New Excel.Application or would it be better to use Excel.Application then? 如果我保持此应用程序处于活动状态(例如通过诸如工作簿之类的对象)以及稍后在脚本中我决定打开另一个工作簿,我是否还应该使用New Excel.Application或者更好地使用Excel.Application呢?

My concern lies in the fact that I am going to write a long script that will perform actions on at least 5 Workbooks. 我担心的是,我将编写一个长脚本,它将对至少5个工作簿执行操作。 I will have to a switch from one Workbook to another and then come back to the former... 我将不得不从一个工作簿切换到另一个工作簿然后再回到前者...

If each time the script creates a New Excel.Application, I may end up having quite a lot of them running and I am fearing that this mess would generate issues. 如果每次脚本创建一个新的Excel.Application,我可能最终会运行很多,我担心这个混乱会产生问题。

Is it more appropriate to write something like: 写一些类似的东西更合适:

Dim NxlApp as New Excel.Application
Dim xlApp as Excel.Application

  NxlApp.Workbooks.Open "C:\Users\...\WorkbookA.xlsx"
  NxlApp.Visible = True

'Perform actions on WorkbookA (keep it open)

  Set ExcelApp = GetObject("", "Excel.Application.14")
  xlApp.Workbooks.Open "C:\Users\...\WorkbookB.xlsx"
  xlApp.Visible = True

'Perform actions on WorkbookB (keep it open)

'Go back to WorkbookA (using the xlApp variable this time)


I am going to write a long script that will perform actions on at least 5 Workbooks 我将编写一个长脚本,它将在至少5个工作簿上执行操作

Good question, short answer is that you can open 5 workbooks in one Application object. 好问题,简短的回答是你可以在一个Application对象中打开5个工作簿。

If you're in excel (else see below) then you already have an Excel.Application. 如果您在excel中(否则请参阅下文),那么您已经拥有了Excel.Application。 You can then set each workbook to a different object or reference them by name: 然后,您可以将每个工作簿设置为不同的对象或按名称引用它们:

dim wb1, wb2 as Excel.Workbook, wb3 as New Excel.Workbook 'blank is
same as Variant set wb1 = application.open("path/wb.xlsx") msgbox
wb1.name                  'ref by object msgbox
workbooks("wb.xlsx").name 'ref by name

My understanding is that if I need to perform actions on an excel document and the application is closed then I should use New Excel.Application 我的理解是,如果我需要对excel文档执行操作并且应用程序已关闭,那么我应该使用New Excel.Application

If you're outside Excel (like in Access) then you may want to create an Excel.Application object, here are some tips: 如果您在Excel之外(如在Access中),那么您可能想要创建一个Excel.Application对象,这里有一些提示:

Dim nXlApp as New Excel.Application

has the same effect as: 具有与以下相同的效果:

Dim xlApp as Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application             'Early Binding
Set xlApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”) 'Late Binding

Do not define (dim) inside a loop, however you can instantiate (Set) the same object as many times as you want. 不要在循环内定义(暗淡),但是可以根据需要多次实例化(设置)同一个对象。 If you're using a global object (which is not recommended but sometimes handy) inside a control (button, etc) you may use something like this: 如果您在控件(按钮等)中使用全局对象(不建议但有时也很方便),您可以使用以下内容:

if xlApp is Nothing then set xlApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)

When you're done don't forget to clean house! 当你完成后别忘了打扫房子!

wb1.Close False
set wb1 = Nothing 'do this once for each defined object, anything using New/Set

See also, 也可以看看,

The excel application can have several workbooks open at once so you don't need to instancing a new one. excel应用程序可以同时打开多个工作簿,因此您无需实例化新工作簿。 If you from inside excel you should not need to reference the application to open workbooks. 如果您来自excel内部,则不需要引用该应用程序来打开工作簿。 You might wish to create several workbook instances eg 您可能希望创建多个工作簿实例,例如

Dim wbWorkbookA As Workbook
Dim wbWorkbookB As Workbook

Set wbWorkbookA = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\...\WorkbookA.xlsx")
Set wbWorkbookB = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\...\WorkbookB.xlsx")

This will open the workbooks and give a reference so that you can manipulate them using your code. 这将打开工作簿并提供参考,以便您可以使用代码操作它们。

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