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将Apache Camel示例从Spring DSL转换为Java DSL

[英]Translating Apache Camel example from Spring DSL to Java DSL

I am trying to convert a Camel route in Spring DSL to its equivalent in Java DSL. 我正在尝试将Spring DSL中的骆驼路线转换为Java DSL中的等效路线。 I nailed most of the translations, but there is something I simply don't know how to do: to change the headers. 我钉了大部分翻译,但有些事情我根本不知道该怎么做:更改标题。

Here are the examples: 以下是示例:

Spring DSL: Spring DSL:

<bean id="service" class="org.apache.camel.example.service.Reporting" />
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
    <route id="mina1">
        <from uri="mina:tcp://localhost:9991" />
        <setHeader headerName="minaServer">
        <bean ref="service" method="updateReport" />
        <to uri="direct:messageSender1" />

Java DSL: Java DSL:

public void configure() throws Exception {
    .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("localhost:9991"))
    .beanRef("camel_examples.loadbalancer_failover_javadsl.service.Reporting", "updateReport")

And finally, the bean method that uses the Header: 最后,使用Header的bean方法:

public Report updateReport(@Body Report report, @Header("minaServer") String name) {

    report.setReply("Report passed by MINA servers running on: " + name);
    return report;

Now, on the example using Spring DSL, everything works fine. 现在,在使用Spring DSL的示例中,一切正常。 But in the example using Java DSL, I am simply unable to set the headers correctly. 但是在使用Java DSL的示例中,我根本无法正确设置标头。 it just does not happen. 只是没有发生。 I know the reason for this is the line .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("localhost:9991")) , probably the Exchange.HTTP_METHOD part, but I do not know what to put there either to be honest. 我知道这是因为行.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("localhost:9991")) ,可能是Exchange.HTTP_METHOD部分,但是老实说,我不知道在那放什么。 I also tried with Exchange.HTTP_URI and the result was the same. 我也尝试使用Exchange.HTTP_URI ,结果是相同的。

What is wrong in my translation? 我的翻译有什么问题?


.exchange.getIn().setHeader("minaServer", constant("localhost:9991"))

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