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通过Java DSL配置的Apache Camel OSGi容器?

[英]Apache Camel OSGi container configured by Java DSL?

I need to integrate an Apache-camel application with an OSGi Container. 我需要将Apache-camel应用程序与OSGi容器集成在一起。 It would be helpful to me as this integration is configurable through Java DSL. 因为这种集成可以通过Java DSL配置,这对我会有所帮助。

So far I have test Apache Karaf as best suitable solution, since it is as lightweight as it's needed for my implementation. 到目前为止,我已经测试了Apache Karaf作为最合适的解决方案,因为它轻巧且易于实现。

Yet I am seeking a related OSGi Server that can integrate as perfect as Karaf with Apache-Camel. 但是我正在寻找一个相关的OSGi服务器,它可以与Karaf完美地集成到Apache-Camel中。

Cheers! 干杯!

We've been using servicemix esb - it seems pretty lightweight as it is basically karaf which deploys camel applications as osgi bundles. 我们一直在使用servicemix esb-它似乎很轻巧,因为它基本上是karaf,它以osgi包的形式部署骆驼应用程序。

The approach I was going to go with was create a spring application context and create the camel context and reference the java dsl route builders in that. 我要使用的方法是创建一个spring应用程序上下文,并创建camel上下文,并在其中引用java dsl路由构建器。 When you deploy the module it will look for spring context and automatically start it up like this . 部署模块时,它将查找spring上下文并像这样自动启动它。

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