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[英]How to find all indexes of a list that are empty in Python

I wanted to know if there is an easy way to find all indexes of a list that are empty. 我想知道是否有一种简单的方法来查找列表中所有为空的索引。

mylist  = [ [1,2,3,4], [] , [1,2,3,4] , [] ]

next((i for i, j in enumerate(mylist) if not j),"no empty indexes found") will return the first empty index of the list, but can I return all of them? next((i for i, j in enumerate(mylist) if not j),"no empty indexes found")将返回列表的第一个空索引,但是我可以返回所有索引吗? It will default to the string "no empty indexes found" if there is no empty indexes. 如果"no empty indexes found" ,它将默认为字符串"no empty indexes found"

I want to append all the empty indexes to another list to use. 我想将所有空索引附加到另一个列表以使用。

my_indexes_list.append(next((i for i, j in enumerate(self.list_of_colors) if not j),5))

Use the fact that empty sequences are false in a boolean context, together with a list comprehension: 使用以下事实:布尔序列中的空序列为假,以及列表理解:

>>> mylist  = [[1,2,3,4], [] , [1,2,3,4] , []]
>>> [i for i,x in enumerate(mylist) if not x]
[1, 3]
>>> [i for i,x in enumerate(mylist) if x ==[] ]
[1, 3]
for s in mylist:
    is len(s) == 0

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