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[英]List with empty indexes in python, how to remove?

I am trying to remove a position from an empty list, as a simple example that demonstrates or is trying to remove.我正在尝试从空列表中删除一个位置,作为演示或试图删除的简单示例。

#Test about fruits

fruits = []

fruits[1] = []

print (fruits)

Output : ['maça', [], 'uva', 'pera', 'bananna']输出: ['maça', [], 'uva', 'pera', 'bananna']

Desired output ['maça', 'uva', 'pera', 'bananna']期望的输出['maça', 'uva', 'pera', 'bananna']

Just remembering that it is a simple example, so I can apply it in a more robust program that I am developing that presents the same problem of having a "position" in the list with a 'null' or empty value in this case.请记住,这是一个简单的示例,因此我可以将它应用到我正在开发的更健壮的程序中,该程序在这种情况下存在相同的问题,即在列表中具有“空”或空值的“位置”。

Use pop() to remove an element from a list by its index, rather than assigning an empty value to the index.使用pop()通过索引从列表中删除元素,而不是为索引分配一个空值。


or deldel

del fruits[1]

pop() allows you to retrieve the value being removed at the same time. pop()允许您检索同时删除的值。

You can use您可以使用

del fruits[1]水果[1]

See Difference between del, remove and pop on lists for the differences.有关差异,请参阅列表上的 del、remove 和 pop 之间的差异。

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