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[英]c# local database / dataset

I'm new on C# and I want to have my data on a local database. 我是C#的新手,我想将数据存储在本地数据库中。 The problem is I can't understand how to do it. 问题是我不知道该怎么做。 I created a sgt.sdf (database) file and a sgtDataSet.xsd (dataset) but I don't seem to understand the relation between those two files. 我创建了一个sgt.sdf(数据库)文件和一个sgtDataSet.xsd(数据集),但是我似乎不了解这两个文件之间的关系。 Can anyone explain me how to work properly with this? 谁能解释我该如何正确使用?

Don't wanna down vote this aswell. 也不想对此投反对票。

Tho, if you are new to C# and learning it, so you should be able to start learning about databases, example databases on a SQL Server or likewise. 如果您是C#的新手并开始学习它,那么您应该能够开始学习数据库,例如SQL Server上的示例数据库或类似的东西。

Or you could use a localDB if you don't want to setup a SQL Server. 或者,如果您不想设置SQL Server,则可以使用localDB。

If you wanna start with something less cnfusing, i sugest using an access database. 如果您想从更少的cnfusing开始,我建议使用访问数据库。 Sdf databases are u reliable. SDF数据库非常可靠。 They can be broken without even knowing. 他们可能甚至不知道被打破。 When using access you will be using the OleDB code in C# it's almost the same as the other ones. 使用访问时,您将在C#中使用OleDB代码,与其他代码几乎相同。

Hope it helped :) 希望它有帮助:)

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