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[英]Why are anchor tags blue?

Is there a reason blue was chosen for anchor tags or purple was chosen for visited links? 是否有原因选择蓝色用于锚标签或紫色被选择用于访问链接? Perhaps it has something to do with being easier for people with disabilities? 也许这与残疾人更容易相关?

Why are Links Blue? 为什么Links Blue?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web, is credited with making hyperlinks blue, a decision he appears to have reached at random. 该网站的发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯 - 李爵士(Sir Tim Berners-Lee)将蓝色超链接视为蓝色,这似乎是他随机做出的决定。 But although accessibility may not have been on Sir Tim's mind at the time, the color choice was a happy one, according to Joe Clark: 但乔·克拉克表示,虽然当时蒂姆爵士可能无法获得可访问性,但颜色的选择是幸福的。

Red and green are the colours most affected by colour-vision deficiency. 红色和绿色是受色觉缺陷影响最大的颜色。 Almost no one has a blue deficiency. 几乎没有人有蓝色缺陷。 Accordingly, nearly everyone can see blue, or, more accurately, almost everyone can distinguish blue as a colour different from others. 因此,几乎每个人都可以看到蓝色,或者更准确地说,几乎每个人都可以将蓝色区分为与其他颜色不同的颜色。 It was pure good luck that the default colour of hyperlinks is blue with underlining. 纯粹的好运,超链接的默认颜色是带有下划线的蓝色。

-Joe Clark, Building Accessible Websites -Joe Clark,建设无障碍网站

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