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C ++中的指针和const

[英]Pointers and const in C++

When dealing with pointers and const, I see there are three ways to declare them: 处理指针和const时,我看到有三种声明它们的方法:

1) 1)

int nValue = 5;
int *const pnPtr = &nValue;

2) 2)

int nValue = 5;
const int *pnPtr = &nValue;

3) 3)

const int 5;
const int *const pnPtr = &nValue;

Example 1 is referred to as "Const pointer to non-const". 示例1被称为“指向非常量的常量指针”。 The address cannot change but the value can change. 地址不能更改,但值可以更改。 So we can do something like the following, since nValue in example 1 is a non-const int: 因此,我们可以执行以下操作,因为示例1中的nValue是非常量int:

int nValue = 5;
int const *pnPtr = &nValue;

*pnPtr = 6; 

But we cannot do the following in example 1: 但是我们无法在示例1中执行以下操作:

int nValue = 5;
int nValue2 = 6;
int const *pnPtr = &nValue;
pnPtr = &nValue2; 

Example 2 is referred to as "Pointer to const". 示例2被称为“指向const的指针”。 This means that the address can change, but the value cannot. 这意味着地址可以更改,但值不能更改。 We can do the following: 我们可以执行以下操作:

int nValue = 5;
int nValue2 = 6;

const int *pnPtr = &nValue;
pnPtr = &nValue2;

But we cannot do the following in Example 2: 但是我们无法在示例2中执行以下操作:

int nValue = 5;
int nValue2 = 6;

const int *pnPtr = &nValue;
*pnPtr = nValue2;

Example 3 is a "Const pointer to const". 示例3是“指向const的const指针”。 This means neither address or value can change: 这意味着地址或值都不能更改:

const int nValue;
const int *const pnPtr = &nValue;  

My question is related to the second example. 我的问题与第二个示例有关。 Why is the second example called a " Pointer to const" when nValue is not a const. 当nValue不是const时,为什么第二个示例称为“指向const的指针”。 It is a regular int declaration. 这是一个常规的int声明。 Also, in the second example, what if when we assign it another address, that other address has a different value, can't we just deference that address, and therefore return the different value? 另外,在第二个示例中,如果当我们给它分配另一个地址时,该另一个地址具有不同的值,我们不能仅仅遵从该地址并返回不同的值怎么办? Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose? 那不会破坏整个目标吗?

The const in the second example applies to the int , ie you have a non- const pointer to a const int . 第二个示例中的const适用于int ,即您具有指向const int的非const指针。 Since types in C and C++ are read right to left, it is actually easiest to put the const always to right. 由于C和C ++中的类型是从右到左读取的,因此实际上最容易将const始终放在右边。 It is also the only place where it can be put consistently: 它也是唯一可以一致放置的地方:

int i(0);
int      *       p0(&i); // non-const pointer to non-const int
int const*       p1(&i); // non-const pointer to const int
int      * const p2(&i); // const pointer to non-const int
int const* const p3(&i); // const pointer to const int

That is, you can apply const to the pointer ( p0 and p1 can be changed but p2 and p3 cannot) as well as to the entity the pointer points to ( *p0 and *p2 can be changed but *p1 and *p3 cannot be changed). 也就是说,您可以将const应用于指针(可以更改p0p1但不能更改p2p3 ),也可以将const应用于指针所指向的实体(可以更改*p0*p2但不能更改*p1*p3改变)。 For the second and the forth line, you could swap the int and the const but I'd advise against do so. 对于第二行和第四行,您可以交换intconst但我建议不要这样做。

In C even integer is not constant but we are declaring our pointer as we are dealing with the constant integer. 在C语言中,即使整数也不是常量,但是在处理常量整数时我们声明了指针。 in this case C implicitly convert that integer to constant when assigning it reference to pointer. 在这种情况下,C在将整数分配给指针的引用时会将其隐式转换为常数。

Usually we do this when passing some values to function where we can avoid some unexpected change. 通常,我们在将一些值传递给函数时会执行此操作,这样可以避免某些意外更改。

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