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[英]How to receive an app update from Play Store

I have an app that i used to host on a private server and send the link to the new version by using GCM. 我有一个用于托管在专用服务器上的应用程序,并使用GCM将链接发送到新版本。 I now host the app on the Play Store. 我现在在Play商店上托管该应用。 When i have an updated version, i increment the version code and publish it to production. 当我有一个更新的版本时,我会增加版本代码并将其发布到生产环境中。 Can anyone tell me why the phones are not receiving a notification of the update? 谁能告诉我为什么手机没有收到更新通知? I have checked the notification checkbox in the app itself and i have checked auto-update from within the play store app settings. 我已经在应用程序本身中选中了通知复选框,并且已经从Play商店应用程序设置中检查了自动更新。

I've had a look around SO and certain individuals seem to think that in order to receive a notification, the app must implement GCM? 我环顾四周,某些人似乎认为为了接收通知,该应用必须实现GCM? Others think that the Play Store app regularly checks the version number of the installed app against the new one hosted on the Play Store, then notifies. 其他人则认为Play商店应用会定期对照Play商店中托管的新版本检查已安装应用的版本号,然后通知。 Can anyone explain what the users ought to see from an updated app on play store and what i have to do for them to receive a notification. 谁能解释一下用户应该从Play商店上更新的应用程序中看到什么,以及我必须做些什么才能使他们收到通知。

thanks in advance, 提前致谢,

Matt 马特

Dear unchecked auto update from your Google play for the app. 尊敬的您的Google Play上未选中的应用自动更新。 because if that is checked when your app will be updated you will not be asked for permission. 因为如果在更新您的应用程序时选中了该复选框,则不会要求您授予权限。 it will automatically install update. 它将自动安装更新。 have patience, some times it take more time to send update to users. 请耐心等待,有时将更多时间发送给用户。

There is no need of gsm into this process. 此过程不需要gsm。 uploading new app is enough. 上载新应用就足够了。

They should receive a notification, if the following are true: 如果满足以下条件,他们应该收到通知:

  1. They installed the app through the Play Store. 他们通过Play商店安装了该应用。 If it was downloaded from your web server, they'll get no updates from the Play Store. 如果是从您的网络服务器下载的,则他们不会从Play商店获得任何更新。
  2. They have automatic updates enabled. 他们启用了自动更新。

Even if the above conditions are true, it may take a day or two for the update notification to be displayed. 即使满足上述条件,也可能需要一两天才能显示更新通知。

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