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更新Google Play商店中的应用

[英]Update app in Google Play store

I have an app published in the Google Play store. 我在Google Play商店中发布了一个应用。 I have updated the design of the icons and want to upload the app with the new changes to the store. 我已经更新了图标的设计,并希望将具有新更改的应用程序上载到商店。

I have read on tutorials that I have to change the app version in the manifest. 我已阅读了必须在清单中更改应用程序版本的教程。 I have checked my original manifest file, and it does not show the following lines in it. 我已经检查了原始清单文件,但其中没有显示以下行。

android:versionCode="2" android:versionName="1.1"> android:versionCode =“ 2” android:versionName =“ 1.1”>

Can I just add them now to the manifest and upload new apk, even though there is already a published version of the app in the store? 即使商店中已经有该应用程序的发布版本,我是否可以立即将它们添加到清单中并上传新的apk?

Thanks. 谢谢。

May be your app is developed in Android Studio. 可能是您的应用是在Android Studio中开发的。 In Android Studio, version name and version code are added in the build.gadle (Module App) file instead of AndroidMenifest.xml 在Android Studio中,版本名称和版本代码添加在build.gadle (模块应用)文件中,而不是AndroidMenifest.xml中

You have to add the version detail in your build.gradle like below: 您必须在build.gradle中添加版本详细信息,如下所示:

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.augmedix.www.animatevoice"
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 21
    versionCode 2
    versionName "1.1"

Just check your AndoridManifest.xml. 只需检查您的AndoridManifest.xml。 Inside this file there must be a mainfest tag. 在此文件内必须有一个mainfest标签。 In this tag there are two attributes 在此标签中,有两个属性

1). 1)。 android:versionCode 2). android:versionCode 2)。 android:versionName 安卓的versionName

Here every time when you update your app its mandatory to increase the VersionCode but its optional to increase the VersionName. 在这里,每次您更新应用程序时,它是强制性的以增加VersionCode,但其可选性的是增加VersionName。 Also, if you are using AndroidStudio, you can check the answer given by @Arman. 另外,如果您使用的是AndroidStudio,则可以检查@Arman给出的答案。

Hope it will help you. 希望对您有帮助。 Thanks 谢谢

If you're developing on Android Studio goto build.gradle (Module app) file and change the versionCode and versionName(optional). 如果您正在Android Studio上进行开发,请转到build.gradle (模块应用程序)文件并更改versionCode和versionName(可选)。 And then sync project and generate signed apk with existing keystore and upload to production in play store. 然后同步项目并使用现有密钥库生成签名的apk,然后上传到Play商店中的生产环境。

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