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[英]Doxygen documentation for multiple parameters

How can I create a documentation for a group of functions which have different parameters (but I want them to share the same documentation) ? 如何为一组具有不同参数的函数创建文档(但我希望它们共享相同的文档)?

I tried 我试过了

/// @brief ...
/// @{
void func1(int a);
void func2(float b, void *c);
/// @}

but that is redundantly putting the documentation on each function, plus doxygen is warning me if I try to document a parameter. 但这多余地把文档放在每个函数上,如果我尝试记录参数,则doxygen警告我。

If I use DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC to false then it's working but just func1 is clickable, not the other ones. 如果我使用DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC为false,则可以正常工作,但可以单击func1,而不单击其他函数。

You can use @name on a line before @brief to create a Member Group. 您可以在@brief之前的一行上使用@name来创建成员组。

/// @name
/// @brief
/// Description of two functions
/// @{
void func1(int a);
void func2(float b, void *c);
/// @}

If the functions are related in a way that you can summarize briefly, you can add a descriptive name after the @name tag. 如果功能之间的关系可以进行简要总结,则可以在@name标记后添加一个描述性名称。

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