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[英]Doxygen Documentation using makefile

I have written a program in c++ and I would like to generate the executables using a makefile. 我已经用C ++编写了一个程序,我想使用makefile生成可执行文件。 This works, however I also have some Doxygen style comments in my code, and I want my makefile to automatically generate the HTML page with the documentation. 这可行,但是我的代码中也有一些Doxygen样式的注释,并且我希望我的makefile自动生成带有文档的HTML页面。 Unfortunately I can't figure out how this should be done correctly. 不幸的是,我无法弄清楚应该如何正确地做到这一点。 So far the docs part of my makefile looks like: 到目前为止,我的makefile的docs部分看起来像:

    doxygen ./Doxyfile

I am guessing I will need to add some extra files, could someone please clarify the procedure for me? 我想我需要添加一些额外的文件,有人可以为我澄清一下过程吗?

My method of generating docs from the make file is: 我从make文件生成文档的方法是:

    @open doxygen/html/index.html

You can then get access to it by running make docs . 然后,您可以通过运行make docs来访问它。

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