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发布iPhone App iOS7

[英]Release iPhone App iOS7

I developed an iPhone app that works on iOS 6 and iOS 7 but not in iOS 5 or iOS 4.3 I want to release this app to App Store. 我开发了一个可在iOS 6和iOS 7上运行但在iOS 5或iOS 4.3上却无法运行的iPhone应用程序,我想将此应用程序发布到App Store。 Will the store reject my app because it is not work in iOS 4.3 or the Store accepts the apps that work on iOS 7 as its the new thing? 商店会拒绝我的应用程序,因为它无法在iOS 4.3中运行,还是商店将可在iOS 7上运行的应用程序作为新事物接受?

Hope anyone got my mean. 希望有人明白我的意思。

No problem with that. 没问题。 Keep your deployment target as iOS 6.0. 将您的部署目标保持为iOS 6.0。 That will be fine 那就好了

If your app is just for iOS 6 and iOS 7 that is fine it will just be restricted to device with that iOS on them. 如果您的应用仅适用于iOS 6iOS 7 ,那么它将只限于使用该iOS的设备。 As long as you have set your Deployment Target to be 6.0 it will work fine and not be rejected. 只要将您的Deployment Target设置为6.0,它就可以正常工作并且不会被拒绝。 And unless your app goes against the Apple Review Guidelines you will be fine. 而且,除非您的应用违反了《 Apple评论指南》 ,否则您会没事的。

Additional note that isn't in the guidelines 准则中没有的其他说明

Your app must work on retina 4 inch (iPhone 5) otherwise it will be rejected. 您的应用必须在4英寸视网膜(iPhone 5)上运行,否则将被拒绝。

Good luck with your submission. 祝您好运。

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