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[英]JSHint Inline Configuration issue

I am using jshint with grunt and using some inline configuration. 我使用带有grunt的jshint并使用了一些内联配置。 I am confused at the following. 我对以下感到困惑。 If I run jshint on just the below code. 如果我仅在以下代码上运行jshint。

/* jshint undef: false */
var app = foo;
/* jshint undef: true */

I would expect this to NOT return the error code W117 stating foo is undefined, but it does for some reason. 我希望这不会返回错误代码W117,说明foo是未定义的,但是由于某些原因,它确实会发生。 It works if I leave out the last statement like so: 如果我省略最后一条语句,它会起作用:

/* jshint undef: false */
var app = foo;

Though this is not the behavior I want. 虽然这不是我想要的行为。 I only want jshint to ignore the undef warning for that one line. 我只希望jshint忽略该行的undef警告。

My options are below: 我的选择如下:

    curly: true,
    eqeqeq: true,
    eqnull: true,
    browser: true,
    undef: true,
    unused: 'vars',
    globals: {
        jQuery: false,
        $: false

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Per ruffin's comment, I was calling foo elsewhere and causing the issue. Per ruffin的评论是,我在其他地方调用foo并导致了问题。 I decided to set foo to a global. 我决定将foo设置为全局变量。

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