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[英]Recursively find nth to last element in linked list

I'm practicing basic data structure stuff and I'm having some difficulties with recursion. 我正在练习基本的数据结构,我在递归方面遇到了一些困难。 I understand how to do this through iteration but all of my attempts to return the nth node from the last of a linked list via recursion result in null. 我理解如何通过迭代来做到这一点,但我通过递归从链接列表的最后一个返回第n个节点的所有尝试都导致为null。 This is my code so far: 到目前为止这是我的代码:

public static int i = 0; 
public static Link.Node findnthToLastRecursion(Link.Node node, int pos) {
    if(node == null) return null; 
    findnthToLastRecursion(node.next(), pos);
    if(++i == pos) return node; 
    return null; 

Can anyone help me understand where I'm going wrong here? 任何人都可以帮我理解我在哪里出错吗?

This is my iterative solution which works fine, but I'd really like to know how to translate this into recursion: 这是我的迭代解决方案,工作正常,但我真的想知道如何将其转换为递归:

public static Link.Node findnthToLast(Link.Node head, int n) {
    if (n < 1 || head == null) {
        return null;
    Link.Node pntr1 = head, pntr2 = head;
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        if (pntr2 == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            pntr2 = pntr2.next();
    while (pntr2.next() != null) {
        pntr1 = pntr1.next();
        pntr2 = pntr2.next();
    return pntr1;

You need to go to the end and then count your way back, make sure to pass back the node each time its passed back. 你需要走到最后,然后计算回来的路径,确保每次传回时传回节点。 I like one return point 我喜欢一个回归点

public static int i = 0;  
public static Link.Node findnthToLastRecursion(Link.Node node, int pos) {

    Link.Node result = node;

    if(node != null) {
        result = findnthToLastRecursion(node.next, pos);

        if(i++ == pos){
            result = node;
    return result;

Working example outputs 7 as 2 away from the 9th and last node: 工作示例输出7离第9个节点和最后一个节点2:

public class NodeTest {

private static class Node<E> {
    E item;
    Node<E> next;
    Node<E> prev;

    Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next) {
        this.item = element;
        this.next = next;
        this.prev = prev;

 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Node first = null;
    Node prev = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

        Node current = new Node(prev, Integer.toString(i),null);
            first = current;
        if(prev != null){
            prev.next = current;
        prev = current;

    System.out.println( findnthToLastRecursion(first,2).item);

public static int i = 0;

public static Node findnthToLastRecursion(Node node, int pos) {

    Node result = node;

    if (node != null) {
        result = findnthToLastRecursion(node.next, pos);

        if (i++ == pos) {
            result = node;

    return result;

No need for static variables. 不需要静态变量。

public class List {
    private Node head = null;

    // [...] Other methods

    public Node findNthLastRecursive(int nth) {
        if (nth <= 0) return null;
        return this.findNthLastRecursive(this.head, nth, new int[] {0});

    private Node findNthLastRecursive(Node p, int nth, int[] pos) {
        if (p == null) {
            return null;
        Node n = findNthLastRecursive(p.next, nth, pos);
        if (pos[0] == nth) {
            n = p;
        return n;

I misunderstood the question. 我误解了这个问题。 Here is an answer based on your iterative solution: 这是基于您的迭代解决方案的答案:

public static Link.Node findnthToLast(Link.Node head, int n) {
    return findnthToLastHelper(head, head, n);

private static Link.Node findnthToLastHelper(Link.Node head, Link.Node end, int n) {
    if ( end == null ) {
        return ( n > 0 ? null : head);
    } elseif ( n > 0 ) {
        return findnthToLastHelper(head, end.next(), n-1);
    } else {
        return findnthToLastHelper(head.next(), end.next(), 0);

You can do this a couple of ways: 您可以通过以下几种方式执行此操作:

  1. recurse through the list once to find the list length, then write a recursive method to return the k th element (a much easier problem). 通过列表递归一次以找到列表长度,然后编写一个递归方法来返回第k 元素(一个更容易的问题)。
  2. use an auxiliary structure to hold the result plus the remaining length; 使用辅助结构来保持结果加上剩余的长度; this essentially replaces the two recursions of the first option with a single recursion: 这实际上用一次递归替换了第一个选项的两个递归:

     static class State { Link.Node result; int trailingLength; } public static Link.Node findnthToLastRecursion(Link.Node node, int pos) { if(node == null) return null; State state = new State(); findnthToLastRecursion(node, pos, state); return state.result; } private static void findnthToLastRecursion(Link.Node node, int pos, State state) { if (node == null) { state.trailingLength = 0; } else { findnthToLastRecursion(node.next(), state); if (pos == state.trailingLength) { state.result = node; } ++state.trailingLength; } } 

actually you don't need to have public static int i = 0; 实际上你不需要public static int i = 0; . for utill method the pos is : 对于utill方法, pos是:

pos = linked list length - pos from last + 1 pos =链表长度 - 从最后+ 1开始的pos

public static Node findnthToLastRecursion(Node node, int pos) {
    if(node ==null){ //if null then return null
        return null;
    int length = length(node);//find the length of the liked list
    if(length < pos){
        return null;
        return utill(node, length - pos + 1);
private static int length(Node n){//method which finds the length of the linked list
        return 0;
    int count = 0;
    return count;
private static Node utill(Node node, int pos) {
    if(node == null) {
        return null;
    if(pos ==1){
        return node;
        return utill(node.next, pos-1);   

Here node.next is the next node. 这里node.nextnext节点。 I am directly accessing the next node rather than calling the next() method. 我直接访问next节点而不是调用next()方法。 Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

This cheats (slightly) but it looks good. 这个作弊(略)但看起来不错。

public class Test {
  List<String> list = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("Zero","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten"));
  public static String findNthToLastUsingRecursionCheatingALittle(List<String> list, int n) {
    int s = list.size();
    return s > n
            // Go deeper!
            ? findNthToLastUsingRecursionCheatingALittle(list.subList(1, list.size()), n)
            // Found it.
            : s == n ? list.get(0)
            // Too far.
            : null;
  public void test() {

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    new Test().test();

It prints: 它打印:


which I suppose is correct. 我认为这是正确的。

I have use List instead of some LinkedList variant because I do not want to reinvent anything. 我使用List而不是一些LinkedList变体,因为我不想重新发明任何东西。

int nthNode(struct  Node* head, int n)
    if (head == NULL)
        return 0;
    else {
    int i;
    i = nthNode(head->left, n) + 1;
    printf("=%d,%d,%d\n", head->data,i,n);
    if (i == n)
        printf("%d\n", head->data);
public class NthElementFromLast {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> list = new LinkedList<>();
    Stream.of("A","B","C","D","E").forEach(s -> list.add(s));


private static String getNthElementFromLast(List list, int positionFromLast) {
    String current = (String) list.get(0);
    int index = positionFromLast;

    ListIterator<String> listIterator = list.listIterator();
    while(positionFromLast>0 && listIterator.hasNext()){
        current = listIterator.next();
    if(positionFromLast != 0) {
        return null;
    String nthFromLast = null;
    ListIterator<String> stringListIterator = list.listIterator();
    while(listIterator.hasNext()) {
        current = listIterator.next();
        nthFromLast = stringListIterator.next();
    return nthFromLast;

} }

This will find Nth element from last. 这将从最后找到第N个元素。

My approach is simple and straight,you can change the array size depending upon your requirement: 我的方法简单直接,您可以根据您的要求更改数组大小:

int pos_from_tail(node *k,int n)
{   static  int count=0,a[100];
    if(!k) return -1;
    return a[n];

You'll have make slight changes in the code: 您将对代码进行细微更改:

public static int i = 0; 
public static Link.Node findnthToLastRecursion(Link.Node node, int pos) {
    if(node == null) return null; 
        **Link.Node temp = findnthToLastRecursion(node.next(), pos);
            return temp;**
        if(++i == pos) return node; 
          return null; 

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