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R:如何在 package 的负载上运行一些代码?

[英]R: How to run some code on load of package?

I am learning to build a package for R. Now to set it up I need to run some code when the package is being loaded via require(myPackage) .我正在学习为 R 构建一个 package。现在要设置它,我需要在通过require(myPackage)加载 package 时运行一些代码。

I read the documentation on help(".onLoad") that just made me really confused as there is no example.我阅读了有关help(".onLoad")的文档,这让我很困惑,因为没有示例。 How do I actually use .onLoad ?我如何实际使用.onLoad

Can someone please show me a simple example?有人可以给我看一个简单的例子吗? For example I know export(myfun) in the NAMESPACE file will export myfun for use, what is the code that I need to run say rnorm(10) at package load?例如,我知道 NAMESPACE 文件中的export(myfun)将导出myfun以供使用,我需要在 package 加载时运行rnorm(10)的代码是什么?

There is usually a "processing function" (traditionally called zzz.R ) with tasks to be performed when the package is loaded, such as loading libraries and compiled code.通常有一个“处理函数”(传统上称为zzz.R ),其中包含加载包时要执行的任务,例如加载库和编译代码。 For example you can create a zzz.R file where you create this function:例如,您可以创建一个 zzz.R 文件,在其中创建此函数:

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
  x <- rnorm(10)   ## dummy example 

The R Packages ebook talks a bit more about using .onLoad() and .onAttach() : https://r-pkgs.org/r.html?q=onattach#when-you-do-need-side-effects R Packages 电子书更多地讨论了使用.onLoad().onAttach()https://r-pkgs.org/r.html?q=onattach#when-you-do-need-side-effects

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