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MVC 5捆绑文件显示为待处理

[英]MVC 5 bundled files showing up as pending

Environment: Visual Studio 2013, MVC 5, ASP.Net 4.5 环境:Visual Studio 2013,MVC 5,ASP.Net 4.5

Website: It is an intranet site that uses windows authentication and available to the users both off and on VPN. 网站:这是一个使用Windows身份验证的Intranet站点,用户可以在VPN内外使用它。

Problem: 问题:

Bundled files are showing as "Pending", due to this reason the styles are not getting applied for some users. 捆绑的文件显示为“待处理”,因此,某些用户无法使用该样式。 These users are off vpn. 这些用户已关闭VPN。 IE works fine for these users, chrome and FF have an issue and one of the users has latest version of both FF and chrome. IE对于这些用户来说效果很好,chrome和FF存在问题,并且其中一个用户拥有FF和chrome的最新版本。

Now, i have tested this on my home machine (off vpn and new OS put on it last week) and i can't replicate the issue. 现在,我已经在家用计算机上进行了测试(关闭VPN和上周安装的新操作系统),我无法复制该问题。 I am attaching 2 images showing my (working) and users (pending) views. 我附上2张图片,分别显示我(正在使用)和用户(正在等待)视图。

Problem Image -- Status is found 问题图像-找到状态 在此处输入图片说明

Working Image 工作影像 在此处输入图片说明

How can i fix this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题?

Thanks 谢谢

In my case, ASP.NET url windows authentication wasn't allowing bundling request. 就我而言,ASP.NET URL Windows身份验证不允许捆绑请求。 I got this solved via asp.net forums . 我通过asp.net论坛解决了这个问题。

<location path="BundlingPath">
                    <deny users="?" />

I just got through the same kind of "error" and found out my stylesheet wasn't loaded properly. 我只是遇到了同样的“错误”,发现我的样式表未正确加载。 Once the stylesheet was properly loaded, the resources were not in Pending state anymore. 正确加载样式表后,资源不再处于Pending状态。

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