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某些文件没有被捆绑在 ViteJS 中

[英]Certain files not being bundled in ViteJS

The Bug错误

  • While bunldling a Vanilla JS project with image assets, using npm run build , there was one image that was not being bundled.在使用npm run buildVanilla JS项目与图像资产捆绑在一起时,有一个图像没有被捆绑。

  • The image that was not being bundled was the last image to be pasted into my project未捆绑的图像是最后粘贴到我的项目中的图像

  • I have imported all images in the same way, using import... from "filename.png" syntax in one file.我以相同的方式导入了所有图像,在一个文件中使用import... from "filename.png"语法。 图片

  • This is the output of npm run build NOTE Clearly, ash.png is not included, whereas player.png in the same folder is included.这是npm run build的输出注意很明显, ash.png不包括在内,而同一文件夹中的player.png包括在内。 Both are imported in the same file in the same way as shown above.两者都以与上图相同的方式导入到同一个文件中。

❯  npm run build

> clean-rpg@0.0.0 build D:\Sattwik\code\web\js\game-dev\clean-rpg
> tsc && vite build

vite v2.5.6 building for production...
✓ 22 modules transformed.
dist/assets/favicon.17e50649.svg        1.49 KiB
dist/assets/room-builder.325bbcfc.png   20.98 KiB
dist/assets/things.5fe02e3d.png         27.07 KiB
dist/assets/player.c5281145.png         7.15 KiB
dist/assets/ground.8651476d.png         69.11 KiB
dist/assets/interior.294e2488.png       203.12 KiB
dist/index.html                         0.78 KiB
dist/assets/index.cc5b3aa7.css          2.35 KiB / brotli: 1.40 KiB
dist/assets/index.f94427a3.js           137.68 KiB / brotli: 8.73 KiB
dist/assets/vendor.354f1e58.js          1305.08 KiB / brotli: skipped (large chunk)

(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 KiB after minification. Consider:
- Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
- Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking: https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputmanualchunks
- Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
  • On starting the dev server with npm run dev , all the images load and everything works使用npm run dev启动开发服务器时,所有图像都会加载并且一切正常
  • But after building and previewing with npm run serve , ash.png does not load and a warning vendor.354f1e58.js:105 Local data URIs are not supported: ash-spritesheet is displayed in the console但是在使用npm run serve构建和预览之后, ash.png不会加载并且警告vendor.354f1e58.js:105 Local data URIs are not supported: ash-spritesheet is displayed in the console


Please refer to the repository here , containing all files and assets as is请在此处参考存储库,其中包含所有文件和资产

  1. Run the dev server with npm run dev and the project should work (the game should load with both images - player.png and ash.png )使用npm run dev运行开发服务器,项目应该可以运行(游戏应该加载两个图像 - player.pngash.png
  2. Preview with npm run build then npm run serve and reproduce the bug使用npm run build预览然后npm run serve并重现错误

System Info系统信息

❯  npx envinfo --system --npmPackages vite,@vitejs/plugin-vue --binaries --browsers
npx: installed 1 in 6.14s

    OS: Windows 7 6.1.7601
    CPU: (2) x64 Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E5300  @ 2.60GHz
    Memory: 1.10 GB / 2.99 GB
    Node: 12.21.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    npm: 6.14.11 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
    Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.17514
    vite: ^2.5.4 => 2.5.6

Used Package Manager使用过的包管理器

npm npm


❯  npx vite build --debug
  vite:config no config file found. +0ms
  vite:config using resolved config: {
  vite:config   root: 'D:/Sattwik/code/web/js/game-dev/clean-rpg',
  vite:config   base: '/',
  vite:config   mode: 'production',
  vite:config   configFile: undefined,
  vite:config   logLevel: undefined,
  vite:config   clearScreen: undefined,
  vite:config   build: {
  vite:config     target: [ 'es2019', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari13.1' ],
  vite:config     polyfillModulePreload: true,
  vite:config     outDir: 'dist',
  vite:config     assetsDir: 'assets',
  vite:config     assetsInlineLimit: 4096,
  vite:config     cssCodeSplit: true,
  vite:config     sourcemap: false,
  vite:config     rollupOptions: {},
  vite:config     commonjsOptions: { include: [Array], extensions: [Array] },
  vite:config     dynamicImportVarsOptions: { warnOnError: true, exclude: [Array] },
  vite:config     minify: 'terser',
  vite:config     terserOptions: {},
  vite:config     write: true,
  vite:config     emptyOutDir: null,
  vite:config     manifest: false,
  vite:config     lib: false,
  vite:config     ssr: false,
  vite:config     ssrManifest: false,
  vite:config     brotliSize: true,
  vite:config     chunkSizeWarningLimit: 500,
  vite:config     watch: null
  vite:config   },
  vite:config   configFileDependencies: [],
  vite:config   inlineConfig: {
  vite:config     root: undefined,
  vite:config     base: undefined,
  vite:config     mode: undefined,
  vite:config     configFile: undefined,
  vite:config     logLevel: undefined,
  vite:config     clearScreen: undefined,
  vite:config     build: {}
  vite:config   },
  vite:config   resolve: { dedupe: undefined, alias: [ [Object], [Object] ] },
  vite:config   publicDir: 'D:\\Sattwik\\code\\web\\js\\game-dev\\clean-rpg\\public',
  vite:config   cacheDir: 'D:\\Sattwik\\code\\web\\js\\game-dev\\clean-rpg\\node_modules\\.vite',
  vite:config   command: 'build',
  vite:config   isProduction: true,
  vite:config   plugins: [
  vite:config     'alias',
  vite:config     'vite:modulepreload-polyfill',
  vite:config     'vite:resolve',
  vite:config     'vite:html',
  vite:config     'vite:css',
  vite:config     'vite:esbuild',
  vite:config     'vite:json',
  vite:config     'vite:wasm',
  vite:config     'vite:worker',
  vite:config     'vite:asset',
  vite:config     'vite:define',
  vite:config     'vite:css-post',
  vite:config     'vite:build-html',
  vite:config     'commonjs',
  vite:config     'vite:data-uri',
  vite:config     'rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables',
  vite:config     'asset-import-meta-url',
  vite:config     'vite:import-analysis',
  vite:config     'vite:esbuild-transpile',
  vite:config     'vite:terser',
  vite:config     'vite:reporter',
  vite:config     'load-fallback'
  vite:config   ],
  vite:config   server: { fs: { strict: undefined, allow: [Array] } },
  vite:config   env: { BASE_URL: '/', MODE: 'production', DEV: false, PROD: true },
  vite:config   assetsInclude: [Function: assetsInclude],
  vite:config   logger: {
  vite:config     hasWarned: false,
  vite:config     info: [Function: info],
  vite:config     warn: [Function: warn],
  vite:config     warnOnce: [Function: warnOnce],
  vite:config     error: [Function: error],
  vite:config     clearScreen: [Function: clearScreen],
  vite:config     hasErrorLogged: [Function: hasErrorLogged]
  vite:config   },
  vite:config   createResolver: [Function: createResolver],
  vite:config   optimizeDeps: { esbuildOptions: { keepNames: undefined } }
  vite:config } +46ms
vite v2.5.6 building for production...
transforming (1) index.html  vite:resolve 0ms   ./assets/ui/msg-box.png -> D:/Sattwik/code/web/js/game-dev/clean-rpg/src/assets/ui/msg-box.png +0ms
✓ 22 modules transformed.
dist/assets/favicon.17e50649.svg        1.49 KiB
dist/assets/player.c5281145.png         7.15 KiB
dist/assets/room-builder.325bbcfc.png   20.98 KiB
dist/assets/things.5fe02e3d.png         27.07 KiB
dist/assets/ground.8651476d.png         69.11 KiB
dist/assets/interior.294e2488.png       203.12 KiB
dist/index.html                         0.78 KiB
dist/assets/index.cc5b3aa7.css          2.35 KiB / brotli: 1.40 KiB
dist/assets/index.f94427a3.js           137.68 KiB / brotli: 8.73 KiB
dist/assets/vendor.354f1e58.js          1305.08 KiB / brotli: skipped (large chunk)

(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 KiB after minification. Consider:
- Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
- Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking: https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputmanualchunks
- Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.

GitHub Issues GitHub 问题

This question has been raised as a Github issue此问题已作为Github 问题提出

This is not a bug but vite's Static Assets Handling behavior.不是错误,而是 vite 的Static Assets Handling行为。

Assets smaller in bytes than the assetsInlineLimit option will be inlined as base64 data URLs.assetsInlineLimit选项更小的资产将被内联为 base64 数据 URL。

This mean that ash.png is include as data URI as you can read it on the output but isn't supported in your case (that's the scope of another question, I don't have the answer right now) .这意味着ash.png包含为data URI ,因为您可以在输出中读取它,但在您的情况下不受支持(这是另一个问题的范围,我现在没有答案)

vendor.354f1e58.js:105 Local data URIs are not supported: ash-spritesheet is displayed in the console vendor.354f1e58.js:105 不支持本地数据URI:控制台显示ash-spritesheet

If you debug spritesheets with console.log(spritesheets) you should see the included assets :如果您使用console.log(spritesheets)调试spritesheets ,您应该会看到包含的资产:

  player: '/assets/player.c5281145.png'
  ash: " ..."

Now if you set assetsInlineLimit to a lower value than the size of the file ash.png in vite.config.js it will be included as asset.现在,如果您将assetsInlineLimit设置为低于vite.config.js中文件ash.png的大小,它将作为资产包含在内。

To test it, in a file vite.config.js write :要对其进行测试,请在文件vite.config.js写入:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    assetsInlineLimit: '2048' // 2kb

Output of yarn build and assetsInlineLimit: '2048' : yarn buildassetsInlineLimit: '2048'输出:

dist/assets/favicon.17e50649.svg                1.49 KiB
dist/assets/ground.8651476d.png                 69.11 KiB
dist/assets/player.c5281145.png                 7.15 KiB
dist/assets/things.5fe02e3d.png                 27.07 KiB
dist/assets/room-builder.325bbcfc.png           20.98 KiB
dist/assets/interior.294e2488.png               203.12 KiB

dist/assets/ash-walking-fire-red.1de7621c.png   3.76 KiB

More info there: https://vitejs.dev/guide/assets.html#importing-asset-as-url更多信息: https ://vitejs.dev/guide/assets.html#importing-asset-as-url

Q) Why Vite.js translate " linked content " into Base64? Q) 为什么 Vite.js 将“链接内容”翻译成 Base64?

Imported or referenced assets that are smaller threshold will be inlined as base64 URLs to avoid extra http requests.较小阈值的导入或引用资产将被内联为 base64 URL,以避免额外的 http 请求。 Set to 0 to disable inlining altogether.设置为 0 以完全禁用内联。

file ./vite.config.js文件./vite.config.js


export default defineConfig({
    build: {
        assetsInlineLimit: 4096,


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