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C ++ fstream错误未知

[英]C++ fstream error unknown

I'm trying to make a wrapper for a file - so a small wrapper to fstream. 我正在尝试为文件创建包装器-以便fstream的小包装器。 I am in the process of making something that will want to read/write binary and text to file, so I can make model loaders talk in the same way. 我正在做一些想将二进制和文本读/写到文件的事情,因此我可以使模型加载器以相同的方式进行交谈。

I've one question: Why doesn't my file open when I call with this in ObjLoader.cpp ? 我有一个问题:为什么在ObjLoader.cpp中调用此文件时,为什么我的文件没有打开?

Scatterbrain::Log *_file = new Scatterbrain::Log( path, false, true );

    if( ! _file->Works() )
        std::cout << "Error!!";

Having this in scatterbrain.h ? 在scatterbrain.h中有这个吗? I'm sure I've included the necessary headers as everything compiles fine, so I figure it must be a semantic problem with the way I wrote the file open call? 我确定我已经包含了必要的标头,因为一切都可以正常编译,所以我认为这与我编写文件open调用的方式必然是语义问题吗? - it is getting called.. -被叫了

namespace Scatterbrain
    class Log
            std::string name;
            bool rOnly;
            bool isBinary;
            int numBytes;
            std::fstream file;
            virtual int SizeBytes() { numBytes = (file) ? (int) file->tellg() : 0; return numBytes; }
            Log( std::string filename, bool append, bool readOnly )
                    name = filename;
                    rOnly = readOnly;
                    file.open( name.c_str(), ((readOnly) ?  int(std::ios::out) : int(std::ios::in |std::ios::out)) | ((append) ? int(std::ios::app) : int(std::ios::trunc)) );
            virtual bool Works() { return (file.is_open() && file.good() ); }

Thanks 谢谢

There's a lot that could be said about this all, so I'll just put it in comments: 关于这一切,可以说很多,所以我将其放在评论中:

class Log
    std::string name;
    bool rOnly;
    std::fstream file;


    Log( std::string filename, bool append, bool readOnly)
        : name(filename), // Use initializer lists
          file(filename, (readOnly ?  std::ios::out : std::ios::in | std::ios::out) |
               (append ? std::ios::app : std::ios::trunc))
        // Why check if the file exists? Just try to open it...
        // Unless, of course, you want to prevent people from creating
        // new log files.

    virtual bool Works()
        // Just use the fstream's operator bool() to check if it's good
        return file;

In short: 简而言之:

  1. Use member initializer lists 使用成员初始化器列表
  2. Don't use new ... I have no idea why you were in the first place, or why it compiled if it did. 不要使用new ...我不知道您为什么要放在第一位,或者为什么要编译它。
  3. Use the operator bool() function to see if it's "good" or not. 使用operator bool()函数查看其是否“良好”。

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