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C++ fstream error unknown

I'm trying to make a wrapper for a file - so a small wrapper to fstream. I am in the process of making something that will want to read/write binary and text to file, so I can make model loaders talk in the same way.

I've one question: Why doesn't my file open when I call with this in ObjLoader.cpp ?

Scatterbrain::Log *_file = new Scatterbrain::Log( path, false, true );

    if( ! _file->Works() )
        std::cout << "Error!!";

Having this in scatterbrain.h ? I'm sure I've included the necessary headers as everything compiles fine, so I figure it must be a semantic problem with the way I wrote the file open call? - it is getting called..

namespace Scatterbrain
    class Log
            std::string name;
            bool rOnly;
            bool isBinary;
            int numBytes;
            std::fstream file;
            virtual int SizeBytes() { numBytes = (file) ? (int) file->tellg() : 0; return numBytes; }
            Log( std::string filename, bool append, bool readOnly )
                    name = filename;
                    rOnly = readOnly;
                    file.open( name.c_str(), ((readOnly) ?  int(std::ios::out) : int(std::ios::in |std::ios::out)) | ((append) ? int(std::ios::app) : int(std::ios::trunc)) );
            virtual bool Works() { return (file.is_open() && file.good() ); }


There's a lot that could be said about this all, so I'll just put it in comments:

class Log
    std::string name;
    bool rOnly;
    std::fstream file;


    Log( std::string filename, bool append, bool readOnly)
        : name(filename), // Use initializer lists
          file(filename, (readOnly ?  std::ios::out : std::ios::in | std::ios::out) |
               (append ? std::ios::app : std::ios::trunc))
        // Why check if the file exists? Just try to open it...
        // Unless, of course, you want to prevent people from creating
        // new log files.

    virtual bool Works()
        // Just use the fstream's operator bool() to check if it's good
        return file;

In short:

  1. Use member initializer lists
  2. Don't use new ... I have no idea why you were in the first place, or why it compiled if it did.
  3. Use the operator bool() function to see if it's "good" or not.

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