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[英]How to find title a la reStructuredText

Is there a regex pattern to match titles in the following reStructuredText -like text ? 是否有正则表达式模式匹配以下reStructuredText类文本中的标题? The difficulty is that the numbers of equal signs must be equal to the length of the title. 困难在于等号的数量必须等于标题的长度。

Some basic text.

One Title

For titles the numbers of sign `=` must be equal to the length of the text title. 

Another title

And so on...

Search for match(es) of (?:^|\\n)(=+)\\r?\\n(?!=)([^\\n\\r]+)\\r?\\n(=+)(?:\\r?\\n|$) . 搜索匹配项(?:^|\\n)(=+)\\r?\\n(?!=)([^\\n\\r]+)\\r?\\n(=+)(?:\\r?\\n|$) If match found, check if lengths of first, second and third groups are same. 如果找到匹配,请检查第一,第二和第三组的长度是否相同。 If so, title is a content of second group. 如果是,则title是第二组的内容。

To support full syntax for section titles , you could use docutils package : 要支持节标题的完整语法 ,可以使用docutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
some text


Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with a printing
nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII character. Recommended choices are "``= -
` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >``".  The underline/overline must be at least
as long as the title text.

A lone top-level (sub)section is lifted up to be the document's (sub)title.
from docutils.core import publish_doctree

def section_title(node):
    """Whether `node` is a section title.

    Note: it DOES NOT include document title!
        return node.parent.tagname == "section" and node.tagname == "title"
    except AttributeError:
        return None # not a section title

# get document tree
doctree = publish_doctree(__doc__)    
titles = doctree.traverse(condition=section_title)
print("\n".join([t.astext() for t in titles]))

Output: 输出:


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