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[英]How to print a reStructuredText node tree?

Section Parsing the Document of The Docutils Hacker's Guide mentions the quicktest.py utility that can be used to print a node tree representation of a parsed reStructuredText document. Docutils Hacker's Guide》 的文档分析部分提到了quicktest.py实用程序,该实用程序可用于打印已解析的reStructuredText文档的节点树表示形式。 However I can't find quicktest.py anywhere in my docutils distribution installed in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/docutils . 但是我在/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/docutils安装的docutils发行quicktest.py任何地方都找不到quicktest.py Is there other way to print the document tree? 还有其他打印文档树的方法吗?

As pointed out by @mzjn the quicktest.py script is available at https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/docutils/tools/quicktest.py 正如@mzjn所指出的,可以在https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/docutils/tools/quicktest.py上找到quicktest.py脚本。

A document tree can also be printed as follows: 也可以按以下方式打印文档树:

from docutils.core import publish_string
print publish_string(rst)

where rst is a string containing reStructuredText to be processed. 其中rst是包含要处理的reStructuredText的字符串。

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