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[英]How to add “…” on a trimmed string?

I've set the maxLength of the string to 100, so I need that the first 97 characters are normal chars, but the last three have to be "...". 我已将字符串的maxLength设置为100,因此我需要前97个字符为普通字符,但后三个字符必须为“ ...”。

Tried to add +"..." to the string, but, naturally, when it reaches the limit, nothing can be added there. 试图在字符串中添加+“ ...”,但是很自然,当达到极限时,不能在其中添加任何内容。

How to fix this? 如何解决这个问题?

Thanks! 谢谢!

You haven't mentioned why are you trimming the String. 您没有提到为什么要修剪字符串。 If you are trimming it to use it in TextView/Button/etc, don't forget you can use maxLines and ellipsize to achieve desired effect. 如果您要修剪它以便在TextView / Button / etc中使用它,请不要忘记可以使用maxLines和ellipsize来实现所需的效果。


(If I am wrong and this has nothing to do with TextViews, just ignore this answer :)) (如果我错了,并且与TextViews无关,则忽略此答案:))

A solution that copes with strings of all length: 解决所有长度字符串的解决方案:

String trim(String string, int maxLength)
    if (maxLength < 3)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max length (" + maxLength + ") must at least 3");

    return string.length() > maxLength ? 
               string.substring(0, maxLength - 3) + "..." : 

Use String#substring as follows: 使用String#substring ,如下所示:

int maxLength = 100;
String lastThree = "...";
return str.substring(0, maxLength - lastThree.length()) + "...");

A working example: 一个工作示例:

public class Test {
    static final String str = "redgreenblue";
    static final String t = "...";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            System.out.println(str.substring(0,10-t.length()) + t);
        catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            System.out.println(str + t);

You should almost always use a StringBuilder when putting a string together. 将字符串放在一起时,几乎应该始终使用StringBuilder In this case, you can call setCharAt() to change the last three characters. 在这种情况下,可以调用setCharAt()更改最后三个字符。 If you really really do need to use a String directly, use substring() to capture the first 97 characters and then add the ellipsis. 如果确实确实需要直接使用String ,请使用substring()捕获前97个字符,然后添加省略号。

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