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[英]Match anything but this group of characters?

I'm looking for a pattern that will match anything but this: 我正在寻找一个可以匹配任何东西的模式,但是:


How can i do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

With ^ , which negates a character set. 使用^ ,它否定字符集。

You want /[^a-z0-9]/i . 您想要/[^a-z0-9]/i

[az] matches a..z. [az]匹配a..z。 [^az] matches anything not a..z. [^az]匹配 a..z的任何内容。


The ^ at the start inside a [ ] means "none of these" rather than the conventional "any of these" [ ]内开头的^表示“这些都不是”,而不是常规的“其中任何一个”

If he wants something matches not a-z0-9 one time, this is it. 如果他希望某件事与a-z0-9一次不匹配,那就是。 this matches spaces, everything that isn't a-z0-9, one time 这会匹配空格,不是a-z0-9的所有内容,一次

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