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正则表达式 - 匹配 [[[ 和 ]]] 之间任何东西的倍数

[英]Regex - Match multiples of anything between [[[ and ]]]

I need to match anything between [[[ and ]]] using regex.我需要使用正则表达式匹配 [[[ 和 ]]] 之间的任何内容。 I then need to put all the values found between the brackets into an array.然后我需要将括号之间找到的所有值放入一个数组中。

Example text:示例文本:

here is some 'test text [[[media-2 large right]]], [[[image-0 large left]]] the another token [[[image-1]]

From the above text I need to match the first two:从上面的文本我需要匹配前两个:

1, [[[media-2 large right]]]
2, [[[image-0 large left]]]

but not the last as it only has two [ at the end.但不是最后一个,因为它最后只有两个 [。

This checks for: 这将检查:

  1. [[[
  2. Followed by: 其次是:
    1. Anything but ] -or- 除了]任何东西- 或 -
    2. One to two ] that are not followed by ] 一到两个]没有跟着]
  3. Followed by ]]] 其次是]]]
preg_match_all('/\[\[\[(?:(?:[^\]]*|]{1,2}(?!]))*)]]]/', $string, $matches);

This regex has the benefit of matching ] inside of the triple-bracket wrapper (eg [[[foo]bar]]] . 此正则表达式匹配具有的益处]三重托架包装物内(例如[[[foo]bar]]]

Note: ] does not need to be escaped, except inside character classes. 注意: ]除了字符类之外,不需要进行转义。

A generic solution is this one: 一个通用的解决方案就是这个:


It reads 它读

\[{3}         # 3 opening square brackets
(?=           # begin positive look-ahead ("followed by..."
  .*?\]{3}    #   ...3 closing brackets, anywhere ahead (*see explanation below)
  (?!\])      #   negative look-ahead: no more ] after the 3rd one
)             # end positive look-ahead
(             # begin group 1
  (?:         #   begin non-matching group (for atomic grouping)
    (?!       #     begin negative look-ahead ("not followed by"):
      \]{3}   #       ...3 closing square brackets
      (?!\])  #       negative look-ahead: no more ] after the 3rd one
    )         #     end negative look-ahead
    .         #     the next character is valid, match it
  )           #   end non-matching group
)             # end group 1 (will contain the wanted substring)

The positive look-ahead is a safeguard clause that allows the expression to fail fast when there is no "]]]" in a long input string. 正向前瞻是一个安全保护条款,当长输入字符串中没有"]]]"时,它允许表达式快速失败。

Once it's established that a "]]]" will follow at some point ahead in the string, the negative look-ahead makes sure that the expression correctly matches strings like this one: 一旦确定一个"]]]" 在字符串前面的某个点跟随,负面的前瞻确保表达式正确匹配像这样的字符串:

[[[foo [some text] bar]]]
                 +-------- most of the other solutions would stop at this point

This expression checks at every character whether three ] follow or not, so in this example it would include the " bar" . 这个表达式检查在每一个字符是否3 ]遵守或不遵守,所以在这个例子中,将包括" bar"

The "no more ] after the 3rd one" part of the expression makes sure that the match does not end prematurely, so that in this case: "no more ] after the 3rd one"表达式的一部分确保匹配不会过早结束,所以在这种情况下:

[[[foo [some text]]]]

the match would still be "foo [some text]" . 比赛仍然是"foo [some text]"
Without it the expression would stop too early ( "foo bar [some text" ). 没有它,表达式会过早停止( "foo bar [some text" )。

Side effect is that we do not need to actually match the "]]]" , since the positive look-ahead made clear that they are there. 副作用是我们不需要实际匹配"]]]" ,因为积极的前瞻清楚表明他们在那里。 We only need to match up to them, which the negative look-ahead does nicely. 我们只需要匹配它们,负面的前瞻很好。

Note that you need to run the expression in "dotall" mode if your input contains newline characters. 请注意,如果输入包含换行符,则需要以“dotall”模式运行表达式。

See also: http://rubular.com/r/QFo9jHEh9d 另见: http//rubular.com/r/QFo9jHEh9d



I think this works: 我认为这有效:


But it's probably the newb way to do it :) 但它可能是新的方式:)

If your string will always follow that format, subject , size , position , you can use this: 如果您的字符串始终遵循该格式, subjectsizeposition ,您可以使用:

$string = "here is some 'test text [[[media-2 right]]], [[[image-0]]] the another [[[image-1 left large]]] and token [[[image-1]]";

preg_match_all('/[\[]{3}(.*?)(.*?)?(.*?)?[\]]{3}/', $string, $matches);

PI Yirahz - Ratchet Squad Recordz © 2021

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