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正则表达式,匹配php(\\ r | \\ n |。)中的任何内容*

[英]Regex, match anything in php (\r|\n|.)*

I have a massive string containing various segments of text. 我有一个巨大的字符串,其中包含文本的各个部分。 Part of the way through these strings there are two equals signs ' == '. 通过这些字符串的方式中,有两个等号' == '。

I want to match ' {{Description ' if it is after there equals signs. 我想匹配' {{Description '如果在等号之后。

The way I had planned it was '/==(\\r|\\n|.)*\\{\\{Description/i' 我计划的方式是'/==(\\r|\\n|.)*\\{\\{Description/i'

But this causes a SEGFAULT when running the regex. 但这在运行正则表达式时会导致SEGFAULT。

How else can I build a regex to match the above without having (\\r|\\n|.)* ? 在没有(\\r|\\n|.)*情况下,我还能如何构建一个与上述内容匹配的正则表达式?

Just .* will work if you add the s modifier. 如果添加s修饰符,则仅.*将起作用。 Also, { has a special meaning (introduces a numeric quantifier) so it should be escaped. 另外, {具有特殊含义(引入数字量),因此应将其转义。 Finally, * should probably be made lazy, otherwise it will look for the LAST appearance of {{Description 最后, *应该变得懒惰,否则它将寻找{{Description


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