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[英]Static Values in Assembler Code

I have the following simple code: 我有以下简单的代码:

#include <cmath>
struct init_sin
    typedef double type;
    static constexpr type value(int index) {
        return 3*std::pow(std::sin(index * 2.0 * 3.1415 / 20.0),1.999);

int main(){
    static double VALUE = init_sin::value(10);

    double VALUE_NONSTAT = 3*std::pow(std::sin(10 * 2.0 * 3.1415 / 20.0),1.999);

    return int(VALUE_NONSTAT);

I would like to find out what the meaning of the assembler code is of this given piece. 我想知道汇编代码的含义是什么。 Here the link to the assembly: http://pastebin.com/211AfSYh 这里是组件的链接: http//pastebin.com/211AfSYh
I thought that VALUE is compile time computed and directly as value in the assembler code Which should be in this line if I am not mistaken: 我认为VALUE是计算的编译时间,并直接作为汇编程序代码中的值,如果我没有弄错的话应该在这一行中:

33                      .size   main, .-main
  34                    .data
  35                    .align 8
  36                    .type   _ZZ4mainE5VALUE, @object
GAS LISTING /tmp/ccbPDNK8.s             page 2

  37                    .size   _ZZ4mainE5VALUE, 8
  38                _ZZ4mainE5VALUE:
  39 0000 15143B78      .long   2017137685
  40 0004 45E95B3E      .long   1046210885
  1. Why are there two values with .long ? 为什么.long有两个值? And why are the types long? 为什么这些类型很长? (its a double?, maybe in assembler there is only long. (它是一个双重?,也许在汇编程序中只有很长时间。
  2. Does that mean that the value of VALUE was compile time generated 这是否意味着VALUE是生成的编译时间
  3. Where is the result for VALUE_NON_STATIC? VALUE_NON_STATIC的结果在哪里? This should be computed during run-time right? 这应该在运行时计算吗? I cannot quite see where? 我不太清楚在哪里?

Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!

.long in this assembler syntax implies a 32-bit number. 这个汇编语法中的.long意味着一个32位的数字。 Because a double is 64-bits, what you're seeing there is the two 32-bit parts of VALUE , in their double representation. 因为double是64位,所以你看到的是两个32位的VALUE部分,它们的double表示。 You'll also notice above it that it's being aligned to an 8-byte boundary (through the .align statement) and that it's size is 8 (through the .size statement). 您还会注意到它正在与8字节边界(通过.align语句)对齐,并且它的大小为8(通过.size语句)。 Also, it's in the main .data segment, which is typically used for global-scope variables which are not initialised to zero (as a side-note, .bss is typically used to zero-initialised global scope variables). 此外,它位于主.data段中,通常用于初始化为零的全局范围变量(作为旁注, .bss通常用于零初始化的全局范围变量)。

The VALUE_NONSTAT can be seen being loaded into %rax here, which is the 64-bit version of the AX register: 可以看到VALUE_NONSTAT被加载到%rax这里,这是AX寄存器的64位版本:

 20 0004 48B81514              movabsq $4493441537811354645, %rax
 20      3B7845E9
 20      5B3E

Recalling that 15143B7845E95B3E is the representation of the value of 3*std::pow(std::sin(index * 2.0 * 3.1415 / 20.0),1.999) when stored in a double , you can see the internal value in hex starting around where I inserted a V . 回想一下15143B7845E95B3E3*std::pow(std::sin(index * 2.0 * 3.1415 / 20.0),1.999)的值的表示,当存储在double ,你可以看到以十六进制开始的内部值我插了一个V

Later statements then push it onto the stack ( movq %rax, -8(%rbp) ), then load it into an FP register ( movsd -8(%rbp), %xmm0 ) before converting it to an integer and storing it in %eax , which is the register for return values ( cvttsd2si %xmm0, %eax ) and then returning from the routine, using ret . 稍后语句然后将其推入堆栈( movq %rax, -8(%rbp) ),然后将其加载到FP寄存器( movsd -8(%rbp), %xmm0 ),然后将其转换为整数并将其存储在%eax ,它是返回值的寄存器( cvttsd2si %xmm0, %eax ),然后使用ret从例程返回。

In any case, at the optimisation level you're using (and probably below), your compiler has figured out that VALUE_NONSTAT is a constant expression, and just inlined it at compile time instead, since the value is fully known at compile time. 在任何情况下,在您正在使用的优化级别(可能在下面),您的编译器已经发现VALUE_NONSTAT是一个常量表达式,而只是在编译时将其内联,因为该值在编译时是完全已知的。

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