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[英]Extract a value from an xml file and output it to csv using a batch file

I need to extract the Value from a specific xml tag in all the xml files in a folder and export the value and file name w/o ext in 2 separate columns in a csv file. 我需要从文件夹中所有xml文件中的特定xml标记中提取值,然后在csv文件的2个单独的列中导出不带ext的值和文件名。 I have tried the follow with zero luck. 我尝试了零运气的跟随。

The xml looks like this: xml看起来像这样:

<ICSMXML xmlns="http://www.icsm.com/icsmxml" version="1.0">
    <UserAgent />
  <Timestamp>04/12/2013 10:24:00 AM</Timestamp>

I need to parse the value from MessageId in any xml file found in the folder, and out put that in to an csv file along with the original file name w/o ext. 我需要从该文件夹中找到的任何xml文件中的MessageId中解析值,然后将其与原始文件名w / o ext一起放入一个csv文件中。 preferably have the value in column 1 and the file name wo ext in column 2. 最好在第1列中包含值,在第2列中包含文件名wo ext。

@echo off
call :check_lines < %1 > "%~N1.xml"
exit /b

REM Seek for the start of Data tag
set /P line=
if not "%line%" == "<MessageId>" goto check_lines

REM Copy until the end of Data tag
set /P line=
if "%line%" == "</MessageId>" goto end_lines
set /P line=%line% 
goto put_lines
echo %line%

This should do it: 应该这样做:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
call :XMLExtract "%%a" "<MessageID>" location
exit /b

:XMLExtract file keystart location
@echo off & setlocal
for /f "tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in ('Findstr /i /c:%2 "%~1"') do (
   set "loc=%%a" & goto :endloop
ENDLOCAL & IF "%~3" NEQ "" (SET %~3=%loc%) ELSE echo.%loc%
exit /b

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