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应用程式未在旧版iOS SDK上执行

[英]App not running on older version of iOS SDK

I want my application to run on both iOS 6 and iOS 7 . 我希望我的应用程序可以在iOS 6iOS 7 I have already upgraded to XCode 5, so to see how my app runs on ios 6 , i downloaded ios SDK 6.1 and pasted it in the folder of XCode.app. 我已经升级到XCode 5,所以要查看我的应用程序如何在ios 6上运行,我下载了ios SDK 6.1并将其粘贴到XCode.app的文件夹中。 I changed deployment target to ios SDK 6.1 , the base SDK to iOS SDK 6.1 . 我将部署目标更改为ios SDK 6.1 ,将基本SDK更改为iOS SDK 6.1 I have installed simulator 6.1 too. 我也安装了simulator 6.1 But when i run my app, i get several errors.. like 但是当我运行我的应用程序时,我遇到了一些错误。

/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator6.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/Headers/UIAccelerometer.h:53:24: 'UIAccelerometer' is unavailable: not available on OS X

All errors are similar to this one. 所有错误都与此类似。 I don't know why the app is trying to run on mac OS X.. 我不知道为什么该应用程序试图在Mac OS X上运行。

I dont know why you done this all if you only want to run your app on both iOS 6 and 7. 如果您只想同时在iOS 6和iOS 7上运行您的应用程序,我不知道为什么要做这一切。

You can see your app running like on iOS 6 device by simply running the app on iOS 6 simulator with XCode 5 and iOS7 Sdk. 您只需在带有XCode 5和iOS7 Sdk的iOS 6模拟器上运行该应用程序,就可以看到您的应用程序像在iOS 6设备上一样运行。 You dont have to change your deployment target anyways. 无论如何,您不必更改部署目标。

Even if you want to see your XIb in iOS6 pattern,you can do that too in XCode 5. If you want to see that, please revert me i will tell you that too. 即使您想以iOS6模式查看您的XIb,也可以在XCode 5中进行。如果您想查看,请回复我,我也会告诉您。 Or if you want something else, please tell us more precisely. 或者,如果您想要其他东西,请更精确地告诉我们。 Thanks :) 谢谢 :)

Make sure that you can run other apps on your simulator. 确保您可以在模拟器上运行其他应用程序。

What about your error description - UIAccelerometer is deprecated in iOS 5. I think you try to run old application. 关于您的错误描述呢-iOS 5中不推荐使用UIAccelerometer。我认为您尝试运行旧应用程序。

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