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[英]dimension-independent classes using variardic templates

I've got a scientific library that simulates two and three dimensional engineering problems. 我有一个科学图书馆,可以模拟二维和三维工程问题。 The 2D and 3D codes are very similar but handwritten specifically for 2D and 3D problems. 2D和3D代码非常相似,但是专门针对2D和3D问题手写。 For instance a simple point class explicitly has separate implementations in 2D and 3D. 例如,简单的point类显式地在2D和3D中具有单独的实现。

I'm very new to c++11 but based on things I've read about it I have decided to test new features to seamlessly combine these codes into a dimension-independent framework. 我对c++11很陌生,但是基于我已经了解的内容,我决定测试新功能,以将这些代码无缝地组合到一个独立于维度的框架中。 My first try was writing a simple generic point class as follows: 我的第一次尝试是编写一个简单的通用point类,如下所示:

#include <iostream>

template<unsigned short dim, typename T=double>
class point{
    const T x[dim]; 

    template<typename... X>
    point(X... xs): x{xs...} 
        static_assert(dim>0, "A point needs to at least have one component");

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const point<dim,T>& p)
        os << "(";
        for (unsigned short i=0; i<dim-1; i++)
            os << p.x[i] << ", ";
        os << p.x[dim-1] << ")" << std::endl;

        return os;

int main(){
    point<3> p = {3., 4.};
    std::cout << p;
    return 0;

which works fine except I have two issues/questions. 除我有两个问题/问题外,它的工作正常。 First and foremost, why do I need to template parameters T and X ? 首先,为什么我需要模板化参数TX Why cant I tell the compiler to use the same template parameter for the variardic constructor? 为什么我不能告诉编译器对可变构造函数使用相同的模板参数? To me, this seems like a reasonable request! 对我来说,这似乎是一个合理的要求!

Second, if I ever try point<2> p = {3, 5}; 其次,如果我尝试过point<2> p = {3, 5}; I get yelled at that narrowing conversion of 'xs#0' from 'int' to 'const double' inside { } [-fpermissive] . narrowing conversion of 'xs#0' from 'int' to 'const double' inside { } [-fpermissive] Why cant I initialize a double from an integer? 为什么不能从整数初始化双精度型? I never thought that was illegal. 我从来没有想过那是非法的。 Is this new to c++11 and if so what's the workaround here? 这是c++11新功能吗?如果可以,这里的解决方法是什么?

You could use std::initializer_list and use a std::vector instead of an array: 您可以使用std::initializer_list并使用std::vector而不是数组:

template<unsigned short dim, typename T=double>
class point{
    static_assert(dim>0, "A point needs to at least have one component");
    const std::vector<T> x;

    point(std::initializer_list<T> xs): x{xs} 


I was able to get around the problem by forcing the compiler to cast inputs back to T : 我可以通过强制编译器将输入强制转换回T来解决此问题:

template<unsigned short dim, typename T=double>
class point{
    static_assert(dim>0, "A point needs to at least have one component");
    const T x[dim]; 

    template<typename... X>
    point(X... xs): x{static_cast<T>(xs)...} {}        

Although this is just awkward and I do not understand the rationale behind this change in the standard, this might be useful to someone! 尽管这很尴尬,而且我不理解此标准更改的背后原因,但是这可能对某人有用!

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