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[英]Write to disk an object that contains a BufferedImage

I have an object BatchStat e that has pointers to a number of pieces of data, including a BufferedImage . 我有一个对象BatchStat e,该对象具有指向许多数据的指针,包括BufferedImage I need to serialize the object. 我需要序列化对象。

Here's a simplified version of my BufferedImage : 这是我BufferedImage的简化版本:

public class BatchState implements Serializable{
    private int anInt;
    //A bunch of other primitives and objects
    private transient Image image; //This is the BufferedImage

    //Constructors, methods, and so forth

I have made the Image transient so that I can then write it to a different file using ImageIO. 我已将Image设置为瞬态,以便随后可以使用ImageIO将其写入另一个文件。

I am trying to serialize the object using this code: 我正在尝试使用以下代码序列化对象:

public void saveState(){
    ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
    FileOutputStream fout = null;
        fout = new FileOutputStream("data/saved/"+Client.getUser()+".sav", true);
        oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
    } catch (Exception e) {

However, any time I call this method, my program throws the follow exception: 但是,无论何时调用此方法,我的程序都会引发以下异常:

java.io.NotSerializableException: java.awt.image.BufferedImage

This in spite of the fact that the BufferedImage is transient. 尽管BufferedImage是瞬态的,但这仍然可行。

I am looking for one of two solutions: 我正在寻找以下两种解决方案之一:

  1. Find a way to serialize the BufferedImage along with the rest of the data, or 找到一种方法来序列化BufferedImage和其余数据,或者
  2. Find a way to serialize the BatchState to one file and then write the BufferedImage to a separate file. 找到一种方法将BatchState序列化为一个文件,然后将BufferedImage写入一个单独的文件。

Either solution is fine. 两种解决方案都可以。

您可以编写一个自定义的writeObject()方法,该方法首先调用out.defaultWriteObject() ,然后调用ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", out) (或您喜欢的任何格式ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", out) ,以及一个类似的自定义readObject()方法,该方法执行以下操作:有关这些方法的正确签名,请参见对象序列化规范。

Solved. 解决了。 It involved some other data that I didn't include in the code that I showed above. 它包含了我上面显示的代码中未包含的其他一些数据。 Your guys' comments helped me realize what the problem was, though. 你们的评论帮助我意识到了问题所在。

It turns out that the BufferedImage there visible wasn't the problem at all. 事实证明,那里可见的BufferedImage根本不是问题。 I had a pointer to another object which ALSO contained a BufferedImage, and it was that other BufferedImage (nested in another object) that was causing the OutputStream to throw its exception. 我有一个指向另一个对象的指针,该对象还包含一个BufferedImage,并且是另一个BufferedImage(嵌套在另一个对象中)导致OutputStream抛出异常。

Moral of the story: ObjectOutputStream will serialize even deeply nested objects. 故事的寓意:ObjectOutputStream甚至可以序列化深度嵌套的对象。

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